Page 55 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2021-22
P. 55

and  publish  five-six  issues  of  The  Explorer

                                                                  newspaper.   Students  will  learn  how  to  use  the
        INTRODUCTION TO JOURNALISTIC                              publishing  program,  Adobe  InDesign,  and  how  to
        WRITING-A                                                 design   paper    layouts    during   their   first

        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grade 9-12)                        quarter.  Students are required to solicit advertising
        Prerequisite: C or higher in previous English course      to support the paper.  Some after-school time will
                                                                  be  required  to  help  meet  deadlines  during
        Students  will  explore  and  produce  the  following     productions periods.
        genres  of  writing:  caption  writing,  copywriting,
        feature  writing,  sports  writing,  entertainment
        writing,   editorial   writing    and    broadcast
        writing.   Select  articles  will  be  considered  for
        publication in The Explorer newspaper. Students are
        required to solicit advertising to support the paper.

        Students who successfully complete Introduction to        JOURNALISM 3 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION
        Journalistic  Writing  A  and/or  Introduction  to        (Full year, 1 credit, Grade 11-12)
        Journalistic  Writing  will  be  eligible  to  take       Prerequisite:  Journalism 1 Newspaper Production
        Journalism II, Journalism III and Yearbook.               or Introduction to Journalistic Writing-A or B
                                                                  These  seniors  learn  advanced  editing  and  page
        INTRODUCTION TO JOURNALISTIC                              design skills, serve as editors, and brainstorm ideas
        WRITING-B                                                 to write and publish five-six issues of The Explorers
                                                                  newspaper,  in  conjunction  with  the  Journalism  II
        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grade 9-12)                        class.  Students are required to solicit advertising to
        Prerequisite: C or higher in previous English course      support the paper.  Some after-school time also will

        This course will build on Introduction to Journalistic    be  required  to  help  meet  deadlines  during
        Writing  A.   Students  will  learn  journalism  history,   production periods.
        law  and  ethics,  as  well  as  how  to  write  for  the
        media.   Students  will  also  explore  marketing,        SCIENCE FICTION
        photography,  pagination,  interview/investigative        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 10-12)
        skills and careers in the media. Select articles will be
        considered  for  publication  in  The  Explorer           What  if  the  government  manufactured  people on
        newspaper.  Students  are  required  to  solicit          assembly  lines  like  automobiles?   What  if  the
        advertising to support the paper.                         humans of the future split into two different races?
                                                                  What if the military genetically engineered genius
        Students who successfully complete Introduction to        children  to  fight  an  alien  race?   Science  fiction
        Journalistic  Writing  A  and/or  Introduction  to        explores  limitless  possibilities  of  tomorrow  and  is
        Journalistic  Writing  B  will  be  eligible  to  take
                                                                  often  based  on  the  current  events  of  today.
        Journalism II and Journalism III.                         Students will read a variety of Science Fiction works,

                                                                  both classic and contemporary, as well as writing a
        JOURNALISM 2 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION                         variety of pieces. So if you really want to understand
        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 10-12)                       the  ending  of  Stanley  Kubrick’s  2001:  A  Space
        Prerequisite:   Journalism  1  Newspaper  Production      Odyssey, science fiction is the class for you.

        or Introduction to Journalistic Writing-A or B            Fee:  Students  purchase  paperbacks  not  to  exceed
        Juniors  and  seniors  learn  editing  and page  design
        skills, serve as editors, and brainstorm ideas to write
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