Page 54 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2021-22
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academic component has been focusing on through           museums.   The  culminating  cultural  event  is  a
        in-depth  research  projects  and  real  world            weeklong educational class trip to New York City.
        experience. Finally, in this class, students have the     Students who wish to apply for New Dimensions are
        rare opportunity to develop collegial relationships       evaluated  first  by  the  Hudson  High  School  staff
        with  diverse  professionals  that  further  enhance      members. Students are then evaluated by the New
        their personal and educational development.               Dimensions  team  and  are  selected  following  an
                                                                  interview.  The faculty feedback and interview help
        Course Fee:  $450                                         determine  the  student’s  maturity,  integrity  and

                                                                  academic  curiosity  to  participate  in  a  challenging
        NEW DIMENSIONS                                            discussion and research-based course.

        (Full year, CCP Course through Hiram College: 2 HHS
                                                                  Fee:  Paperback books, not to exceed $30
        Credits; 1 English, 1 Social Studies, Grade 12) (4 CCP    The student is responsible for the cost of the NYC trip
        hours  through  Hiram  College  WRIT  15200:              (travel, hotel & meals).
        Composition in the Liberal Arts)
        Prerequisite:  Evaluation  of  student  application,

        New  Dimensions  is  a  rigorous,  interdisciplinary
        Humanities  course  that  consists  of  psychology,
        philosophy,  anthropology  and  sociology.   This
        selective  program,  taught  by  Social  Studies  and
        English  faculty,  is  composed  of  seniors  chosen
        through  application/  interview.  The  intense
        coursework  stresses  critical  thinking  and  debate,
        primary  research,  and  the  attendance  of  cultural
        events; students earn Social Studies and an English

        One  quarter  of  the  school  year  is  dedicated  to
        studying  each  of  the  following  disciplines:

        psychology,    philosophy,    anthropology     and
        sociology.   Corresponding  literature  and  writing      CLASSICS TO CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE
        components  complement  each  discipline.    This         (1 semester, ½ credit, Grade 12)
        intense  course  is  student-centered  with  a  strong
        emphasis  on  discussion,  debate,  critical  thinking    “A classic is a book that has never finished saying
                                                                  what  it  has  to  say”  (Italo  Calvino).   Focusing  on
        skills  and  research.   The  class  meets  for  a  double
        period daily, or 100 minutes.                             thematic units including love, death, and morality,
                                                                  students will explore the complexities of humanity
        Under  the  guidance  of  an  advisor,  students  will    through       classic     and       contemporary
        complete an extensive, 40-50 page research paper          literature.   Students  will  select  from  a  variety  of
        over  a  period  of  four  months  on  a  controversial   units based on both teacher and student interest.
        issue  of  his/her  choice.   Students  conduct  both     Writing assignments will range from self-reflection
        primary and secondary research.                           and  literary  analysis  to  creative  pieces.   Monty

        Students are required to attend a minimum of three        Python  and  Douglas  Adams  aren’t  the  only  ones
        cultural events per quarter.  These cultural events       who know the meaning of life.  This course meets
        consist  of  experiences  outside  of  Hudson  such  as   the English requirement for seniors taking semester
        attending    plays   and   lectures   or   touring        courses.
                                                                  Fee:  paperbacks not to exceed $30
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