Page 2 - Real Life Annual Report 2021
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Our Director

                     A LETTER FROM

                                                                              MELISSA PEARSON


          This report provides an overview of the 2020-           The situation with COVID-19 has made for an
          2021 Real Life Program year.  In partnership with       unprecedented year full of unexpected changes
          Promise South Salt Lake, Refugee Immigrant              and challenges. Real Life developed a virtual lesson
          Center – Asian Association of Utah, Granite School      curriculum to expand our scope and serve sites that
          District, Salt Lake City School District, and Umoja     were unable to hold in-person programs for part or
          Generation, Real Life served at eleven locations this   all this year. Many of our sites experienced a hybrid
          year.  Real Life directly influenced over 400 youth     of the two models, switching between virtual and
          from low-income families, most of whom are of           in-person depending on unexpected government or
          refugee or immigrant status.                            school required shutdowns. Real Life was fortunate
                                                                  to be able to finish out the year with ten out of
          Real Life Interns and mentors administered              eleven sites meeting in-person. Real Life continues
          curriculum based on financial literacy, civic           to be flexible in offering virtual and/or in-person
          engagement, physical and emotional health, English      programming to all its welcome centers.
          language practice, job and college readiness, social
          and cultural activities, STEM, and art expression.      Real Life is dedicated, more than ever, in providing
          Real Life also provided a scholarship program for       necessary services and growing with our mission
          college bound students with refugee or immigrant        to support refugee and immigrant youth in gaining
          background.                                             essential life skills.  This need is more vital than ever.
                                                                  We give thanks to our community partners and our
                                                                  donors who are vested in these youth and make this
                                                                  program possible.

                                                                                                  - Melissa Pearson
                                                                                                      Real Life Director


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