Page 3 - Real Life Annual Report 2021
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Our Director  History                                             After a landmark grant from Synchrony Bank in 2014

                                                                   Promise South Salt Lake, Real Life made a leap from
                                                                   two sites to five during the 2014-2015 year.  Through
 MELISSA PEARSON  Real Life was born through the visionary leadership   and through a wonderful partnership agreement with
          of Ellie Seaborn, a Youthlinc employee at the time.      additional community partnerships, Real Life added
          She had been working with refugees at Hser Ner Moo       three additional sites during the 2015-2016 year and
          Center and suggested Youthlinc focus on the teens,       four additional sites during the 2016-2017 year.
          who were generally overlooked by programs that
          resettle refugees.                                       In partnership with Promise South Salt Lake,
                                                                   Refugee Immigrant Center – Asian Association of
          In 2010, through the collaboration of Ellie Seaborn      Utah, Granite School District, Salt Lake City School
          and Domoina Kendell, our first partner with Promise      District, and Umoja Generation, Real Life served at
          of South Salt Lake, Real Life began working with         eleven locations this year. Real Life provides profound
          refugees at Hser Ner Moo Center. Real Life has been      opportunities to refugee and immigrant youth to
          growing and improving ever since.                        practice and develop skills to make them more
                                                                   successful after high school.  Youthlinc projects that
                                                                   Real Life programming will continue to influence 400+
                                                                   students and 120+ peer mentors during the 2021-2022
                                                                   school year.
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