Page 4 - Real Life Annual Report 2021
P. 4


                                                      REAL LIFE CURRENTLY SERVES MORE THAN
                                           400 refugee & immigrant teens

                                                                       IN THE SALT LAKE AREA

                                                 100% LOW TO MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES
                                                 90% OF WHOM QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH
                                                 95% ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS

                                                                                                   34% AFRICAN
                                                                                                  30% HISPANIC
                                                                                                     20% OTHER     descent
                                                                                                       9% ASIAN
                                                                                           5% MIDDLE EASTERN
                                                                                                       2% WHITE
                                                    57% FEMALE
                                                     43% MALE                            THOSE IDENTIFYING AS "OTHER"
                                                                                         INDICATED THEY FELL INTO 1 OR
          Interns                                                                        "    MORE CATEGORIES ABOVE

         Before the Service Year began, Real life Interns were trained
         in classroom management, volunteer management, and
         lesson planning. The Interns used these skills to oversee the       “As a refugee, I understand the adversities that
         everyday aspects associated with Real Life at each of their         come from adjusting to a new culture, being
         individual sites.                                                   the odd one, and usually the first to pioneer
                                                                             into the daunting frontier. Having people who
         It is the Real Life Interns’ responsibility to ensure that          are willing to take your hand and walk you
         programming runs smoothly each day.  They learn to                  through the journey makes all the difference in
         anticipate the needs of their site and work to facilitate lessons   the world. My family and I have been greatly
                                                                             blessed by the efforts of the International Rescue
         in a way that is cohesive with the sites’ personality and           Committee, Catholic Community Services, the                      "
         structure, while empowering the refugee teens and volunteers        United Nations, and the Church of Jesus Christ
         to take ownership of their various roles.                           of Latter-Day Saints. I understand how impactful
                                                                             compassion and service are and the Real Life
         Through assistance from the Real Life Directors, and                Program is an incredible opportunity for me to
         experience, Interns learned best practices for each of their        serve and give back to the community that has
         individual sites when it came to lesson facilitation and            given me so much.”
         delegation. As the year progressed, Interns became more                                          HAY SOE
         knowledgeable about their sites giving them the ability to use                           Real Life Intern
         the strengths of their volunteers as well as the local teens to
         ensure that programming was a success. Real Life gave them
         the opportunities to expand on their leadership skills and
         learn to run a positive and successful program.
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