Page 10 - IJCS Journal Vol.1.cdr
P. 10 The IJCS / Vol 1 / Issue 1
Dr. Sonika Gupta
MD. Gynae and Obstetrics
Contributing Authors Affiliations:
Purpose: The objective of present study is to determine the prevalence of HPV16/18 infection amongst the women
attending the gynecological out patient clinic at SMGS Hospital and to find out the correlation between cervical
cytology and HPV DNA testing.
Materials & Methods: Women with >30years of age visiting the gynaecology outpatient with varied complaints were
subjected to pap smear. 300 samples were subjected to PCR using consensus primer for HPV. The samples that were
positive for HPV DNA were subsequently assessed for HPV type 16&18.
Results: Out of 300 patients,113 (37.6%) women tested positive for HPV DNA and out of 113 HPV positive samples
23(7.66%) tested positive for high-risk HPV i.e.HPV16 (5 samples)& HPV18 (18 samples). A statistically higher
prevalence of HPV was observed in rural, low socio-economic and poorly educated group. No association of HPV
prevalence was noted with parity, age at marriage and age at first child birth. Increase in HPV prevalence was
observed with increase in abnormality in cervical cytology.
HPV infection was present in 18.91% of women with normal cytology,31.11% in inflammatory smear,32.14% in
ASCUS,54.16% in LSIL,77.77% in HSIL &100% in cancer cervix patients. HPV 16/18 infection was present in 1.35%
of women with normal cytology and 20.63% of women with abnormal cytology report.
Conclusion: The study generate epidemiological data of prevalence of sub-clinical HPV in the women visiting a
tertiary care institute. The data generated will be useful for laying guidelines for mass screening of HPV, treatment and
prophylaxis in the local population.
Keywords:- Human Papilloma Virus, Polymerase chain reaction.
Corresponding Author
Dr. Sonika Gupta
MD. Gynae and Obstetrics.
The Integrated Indian Journal of Cancer Sciences