Page 15 - Presentation - Modulo A2
P. 15
1.2 Grammar focus
1.2.1 Complete the sentences with a word from the wordsearch.
1. Richard Carapaz __________ to practice when he was 15.
2. He ________ the 2019 Giro d’ Italia.
3. Journalists ___________ Richard Carapaz “La Locomotora”
4. Ecuadorians _____________ him their hero.
1.2.2 Look at the verbs from exercises 1.1 and 1.2.1 and complete the rules.
1. To form the past tense of regular verbs like call or nickname, we have to add ____ or _____ to
the end of the word.
2. Verbs like began, __________, __________ and ________ are called irregular verbs since they
have their own past tense form.
1.3 Grammar summary
The Simple Past Tense is used to describe completed actions or a series of completed events in the past.
It is also used to describe past habits.
Negative Yes / No
sentences Short answers Wh- questions
sentences questions
Jefferson Pérez He didn't win Did he win the Yes, he did. What did he
won the first the first first Olympic win?
Olympic Olympic medal? No, he didn't.
medal. medal.
Dayko, a Did it help
labrador dog, Yes, it did.
helped rescue It didn't help rescue some No, it didn't Who did it help?
some people rescue some people after
after the the earthquake?
earthquake. earthquake.
Most verbs add -ed work worked
talk talked
Verbs ending in “e” add -d love loved
live lived
Language Department English A2 Page 7