Page 16 - Presentation - Modulo A2
P. 16

Verbs ending in “y” preceded by a consonant   study             studied
               change “y” to “i” and add              -ed     try                  tried

               Verbs ending in “y” preceded by a vowel add      play               played
                        -  ed                                stay                stayed
               Verbs ending in a vowel + consonant double the   plan              planned
               consonant and add             -ed             stop              stopped

               The Simple Past Tense is usually used with expressions like: last, yesterday, ago, when I was a child etc.
                   ❖ Richard Carapaz began to practice cycling when he was 15.

                   ❖ Jefferson Pérez won the first Olympic medal 13 years ago.
                1.4 Grammar Practice

               1.4.1 Read the text and complete it with the past tense of the verb in parentheses.

                                                    Another type of hero
               It (1)_____ (be) a normal day in England for Chantelle Lister. She  (2)______ (set) off to work, but her
               three children (3)_________ (be)  at home because  they  (4)_______ (not/ have) class that  day.  They

               were  sleeping  when  the  fire  (5)_________  (start)  in  the  conservatory.  Fortunately,  their  dog,  Bailey,
               (5)_______  (rush)  to  their  rescue.    The  dog  (6)______  (go)  up  the  stairs,  (7)________  (bark)  and
               (8)________ (scratch) on Loren’s door until she (9)_________ (wake up). Loren (10)_______ (open) the
               door  and  (11)______  (see)  all  that  black  smoke.  She  (12)________  (run)  into  her  siblings’  room  and
               (13)_______ (help) to get the terrified children out through a window. Bailey (14)______ (try) to escape,
               but  he  was  trapped  in  the  burning  house.  The  firemen  (15)_________  (can  /  not)  help  Bailey.    They

               (16)________(want) to resuscitate him, but he (17)________ (be) dead. Bailey (18)_________(become)
               a hero after he saved the life of three children.

               1.4.2 Change the sentences from positive to negative.
                   1.  A rabbit saved a man’s life.
                   2.  A pig called Lulu ran out of its owner’s house to look for help.

                   3.  Binti, a female gorilla, rescued a child at the Illinois Zoo.
                   4.  In 2005, three lions protected a 12 –year- old Kenyan girl.
                   5.  Dolphins swam around a diver to protect him from a shark.


                                                                        Language Department English A2    Page 8
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