Page 19 - Presentation - Modulo A2
P. 19

                   ●  Affirmative        ●  James locked all the doors.    ●  James and his sister
                       sentences                                               were watching TV.

                                         ●  He didn’t lock all the         ●  They weren’t
                   ●  Negative              doors.                             watching TV.
                                         ●  Did he lock all the doors?     ●  Were they watching
                   ●  Questions                                                TV?
                                         ●  Yes, he did.
                                            No, he didn’t                  ●  Yes, they were.

                   ●  Short                                                    No, they weren’t

                2.3 Grammar Practice

               2.3.1 Read the story and choose the correct form of the verb to complete it.

               Bethany Hamilton, a young American surfer, was born on February 8, 1990 in Hawai’i. She grew up in a

               surfing family along with her two brothers. Bethany 1)___ to handle the waves when she was a child, and
                                 by the age of 9, she  2) ___ her first sponsorship. Unfortunately, when she was 13
                                 years old, a shark attack almost 3) ___ her. On October 31 , Bethany, Alana  –her
                                 best friend, Alana’s father and brother went surfing at Tunnels Beach. While Bethany
                                 4) ____ on her board, she 5) ____ pressure on her left arm. She felt like something 6)

                                 ___ her back and forth, but she  7) ____ any pain.  Suddenly, she realized that the
               water around her turned red. Her friends were shocked when they  8) ____ that her left arm had been
               severed. Alana’s father used his surfboard leash to apply a tourniquet while he 9) ___ everyone to shore.
               Bethany was taken to the hospital where her father was about to have knee surgery. She lost 60 percent
               of her blood in the 14-foot tiger shark attack, but after some surgeries she was released and surprisingly
               after a month she 10) ___ again.
                  1.  A) was learned                      B) learned                  C) was learning

                  2.  A) got                              B) was getting              C) was got
                  3.  A) killed                           B) was killing              C) killing
                  4.  A) lied                             B) lay                      C) was lying
                  5.  A) was feeling                      B) was felt                 C) felt
                  6.  A) pulled                           B) was pulling              C) was pulled
                  7.  A) wasn’t feel                           B) didn’t feel         C) didn’t felt

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