Page 17 - Test
P. 17
Product identifier (name of the product),
Supplier identifier (name and address of supplier),
A statement that MSDS is available for the product, and
Applicable hazard symbol(s).
(b) Laboratory Chemicals: Some variations are allowed on controlled products supplied by lab
supply houses for use in laboratory settings: the hazard symbols and border are not required.
Employer Responsibility for Supplier Labels
The employer must ensure that:
Controlled products received at the worksite have a proper Supplier Label applied. The product
should not be used until a proper supplier label is provided.
Supplier Labels are not removed, damaged, or altered.
A Supplier Label is removed from any container that is reused and that the container is then
appropriately labeled to reflect the new contents.
Worksite labels are used when:
A controlled product is produced at the worksite,
A controlled product is decanted (transferred) into a worksite container from the original
supplier’s container, or
The supplier label becomes illegible.
Neither hazard symbols nor the hatch mark border are required on a worksite label (although they may
be used).
3 pieces of information are required on all worksite labels:
1. Product identifier (name of the material)
2. Information for safe handling (site-specific)
3. Reference to the Material Safety Data Sheets (if available)