Page 22 - Test
P. 22
Labels Review
Circle the correct answer.
1. Supplier Labels are required on:
a) containers of controlled products from suppliers
b) controlled products imported into the workplace from outside Canada
c) both (a) and (b)
2. A Workplace Label is put on containers of controlled products
a) when you can’t read the Supplier Label
b) when a controlled product has been poured from the supplier container into another
c) when a controlled product is produced in the workplace
d) all of the above
3. You are in your work area and you hear a scream! You locate a co-worker who is
covering one eye, because he splashed something in it. You find the container with the
Supplier Label – what do you do next?
a) call an ambulance
b) quickly check label for immediate first aid procedures
c) flush eyes with water for 5 minutes
d) flush eyes with chlorine solution for 15 minutes
4. If you see this symbol on a Supplier Label, you know that it could:
a) have immediate toxic effects
b) have moderate or long-term health effects
c) be highly reactive
d) be highly explosive
5. What do the “risk phrases” on a Supplier Label tell you about the product?
6. What does the term “Information for Safe Handling” on a Workplace Label mean?