Page 211 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
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the development of precise hypotheses developed before data are collected in which theory evolves
from codes and categories grounded in data” (Kelle, 2010, p. 192).
The genesis of grounded theory method is concentrated on understanding the experiences
of medical professionals, their “research and analysis of procedures and practices in hospitals
dealing with terminally ill patients” (Bryant & Charmaz, 2010, p. 32). Glaser and Strauss
pioneered a qualitative method and approach for producing theory in a way not solely dependent
on quantitative methods, yet producing outcomes of equal significance (Bryant & Charmaz, 2010).
The literature further indicates that grounded theory method, since early development to
more recent years, has emphasized a rigorous process of (an acronym I’ve just devised called
IWILL) which being highly attuned to your ‘intuition’ while watching, interviewing, listening and
loving as it is important to stay present and attuned (Schatzman & Strauss, 1973). I’m describing
intuition to where the ‘Metasphere’ and the person both speak to you. Situations say a lot and can
drive behavioral responses. The listener receiver takes in what is being related and feeling it as
much as the relaters thoughts, words and actions are expressed. Recent advances in the method
“advocate passive observation in grounded theory process” (Glaser, 2001, p. 35). Observations of
social interaction supports data collection and supplements information obtained from interviews
by allowing the researcher to observe the dynamics of environment, setting, and interface between
people. Direct observation can serve to confirm, further understanding or illuminate areas for
confirmation or additional analysis.
As the method evolved, grounded theory advanced by Strauss and Corbin (1997) became
known as “doing interpretive work” (Bryant & Charmaz, 2010, p. 36). Grounded theory
acknowledges the voices and perspectives of those whose interactions the researcher studies.
Charmaz (2003) maintained that grounded theory is applicable to researchers from diverse