Page 214 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
P. 214
product of the identified patient's social environment – family, social network, work etc. – and
considered that in some instances what he called "social surgery" to create more space in that
environment would be a beneficial measure. (Ellenberger, 1970, p. 380-1) Similar ideas have since
been taken up in community psychiatry and family therapy.
Relational Research Perspective
My format for studying the CC participants and their experience of participating in a group
dialogue is to filter the IWILL described above through the MORB lens, as you recall this is my
representation of the internal dialogue (I.D.) the Modus Operandi of Relational (or Rationale)
Behavior expresses itself (relating to its perception of ‘noun’ reality). As these concepts were
introduced in Chapter one. Empathy is something felt as well as compassion, comradery, etc. the
IWILL suggests an active ‘intuition’ attuned to a person’s communication while fully present
watching, interviewing, listening and loving (appreciating the moment you have with this person
rather than wishing you were elsewhere or daydreaming). This important to screen because “ways
of knowing” or the establishing epistemology associated with this research is relational and
conducted from a perspective that knowledge is not created individually, but rather is the collective
(Mass Trance) product of the many and the way to divine and derive deeper understandings is
through an ‘approach that is shared’ by many (Wilson, 2008). A relational axiology (finding out
what is important to dialogue participants; their personal perspective of a shared experience)
accompanies a relational epistemology. Relational axiology calls for shared accountability,
whereby the researcher and research participants are linked in the quest for knowledge construction
and understanding based on four key principles; relational accountability, respectful
representation, reciprocal appropriation, and rights and regulations (Louis, 2007). Developing a
shared understanding of the dialogue process and participant experiences was implicitly based on