Page 218 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
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objective of the researcher should, to the extent possible, remain free of bias (an optimal condition)
and open to understanding the experience and information shared by the participant. Recognizing
that it is impossible to exist in a bias-free state, the focus during data collection is in recognizing
and minimizing personal bias in order to understand fully the perspective of the participant.
“I” Awareness or ‘iware’ as its been termed by Dr. David Jubb (the Happy Face) is when
one is conscious of their presence or their TWA (thoughts, words and acts) being expressed. Before
the work of Glaser and Strauss (1967), the deductive method of analysis was the standard by which
research was linked to “grand theories and grand theorists” (Bryant & Charmaz, 2010, p. 46).
Bryant and Charmaz asserted that abductive reasoning, studying individual cases inductively, is at
the heart of grounded theory. Abductive reasoning, which relates to this quieted mindfulness or
“I” awareness “entails considering all theoretical explanations for the data, hypotheses
development, and examination of data in search of the most plausible explanation,” (Bryant &
Charmaz, 2010, p. 16), links empirical observation with imaginative interpretation, and seeks
theoretical accountability by returning to the empirical world (Bryant & Charmaz, 2010).
As a method the emphasis of Grounded Theory has been on data collection by interviewing,
watching, and listening (Schatzman & Strauss, 1973) I have added this sense of IWILL intuitive
interviewing and not just placidly reading off of a script and no matter what you hear or observe
be ‘loving’. Still it can be a challenge to keep the observing mind still. Remembering that
everything is data and some in form ‘speaks to you’ Glaser (1978) has long advocated a process
that relies on an approach that borrows from a positivistic approach using “repeated scrutiny of
data, subsequent emerging codes and categories derived through constant comparative analysis”
(p. 35). Dr. Jubb called a single observation an incident, a second a repeat and third a pattern. The
key to this approach is to be attuned and observe closely what speaks to you and is revealed within