Page 55 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
P. 55
included auditing aspects of the Metasphere affected dynamics such as location, ease of access,
lighting, room temperature, acoustics, availability of food, drink and the seating arrangements, etc.
The purpose of informally observing the physical setting in which the public engagement
occurred is to understand how the setting may or may not affect participant interactions. Civic
engagement and deliberative democracy can create an environment where people engage together,
in ways that transcends self-interest, to acceptance of new perspectives and transformation. My
interest is not how these groups function in general, but how participants and facilitators create
Metasphere for sharing diverse and divergent perspectives and opinions and their personal
experiences during these encounters. Deliberative democracy (DD) is an appraised ideal that has
been the subject to extensive research (Gutmann & Thompson, 2004; Habermas, 1989; James,
2004; Rostboll, 2008). Broadly defined, deliberative democracy aspires the decision-making
legitimacy by deliberation of equal citizens. Instead of exercising the deliberation for the people,
the DD theory encourages deliberation by the people (Fishkin 2009).
From the DD theory perspective – and without ignoring the other attributes or methods of
democracy (such as the rule of law or voting) – a political system’s democratic status can be
appraised by the status of its deliberative practices (Dryzek 2009). There is scant research,
however, about how individuals engage in ‘being aware’ of these perceptions and not much about
the dialogue experience of working through dominance and disagreements arising specifically in
the course of civic and deliberative processes. Topics that bridge differences such as talking about
race, implicit bias and the political divide do this. My research if capsulized focused on extending
the literature about the insights gained by participants and facilitators during difficult points of the
dialogue exchange and by examining quantum features or aspects of the Metasphere setting itself.