Page 72 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
P. 72
As an instrument of social and economic governance for development, Community
Conversations focused on social issues dialogue can contribute to local advancement projects and
area development effectiveness. It provides more ownership to people, in particular the working
class as it helps to increase accountability for management and local governance and strengthen
domestic policies and contributes to the design and implementation of fair laws and equal justice.
Civic dialogue also facilitates social peace and is a forceful instrument for reconciliation
and reconstruction. Productive employment and decent work for all is indispensable to sustainable
development, in poorer countries, as recognized by the Busan Partnership Agreement. The Busan
Partnership agreement is a consensus that a wide range of governments and organizations have
expressed their support for. It offers a framework for continued dialogue and efforts to enhance
initiatives that advance partnership. The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-
operation (GPEDC) also works with all actors to maximize the effectiveness of cooperation in
support of sustainable development. In this sense, the International Labor Organization’s decent
work agenda is particularly relevant to the GPEDC when we become explicit about its four pillars:
employment creation, workers’ rights, social dialogue and social protection – shouldn’t we engage
and talk about it? Particularly its interesting to highlight in any dialogue the core principles of the
partnership as well as the priority themes the Global Partnership has publicly identified as its core
work, is the “social dialogue.”