Page 82 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
P. 82

Preparing Research Methodology

                       Grounded  theory  methodology  was  the  approach  used  in  analyzing  the  research  data

               collected for this project. Grounded theory is a qualitative analysis technique that uses an “iterative

               process  of moving back and forth  between empirical  data and the emerging analysis, thereby

               making collected data progressively more focused and analysis successively more theoretical”

               (Bryant  &  Charmaz, 2010, p. 1). Grounded theory  allows the researcher to  see, observe,  and

               interpret new theory or expand a body of literature. Distinguishing features of grounded theory

               include  theoretical  sampling,  constant  comparison  of  data,  and  theory  development  or  the

               extension of theory using theoretical sampling of categories (Bryant & Charmaz, 2010).

                       What is it that be observed and revealed in studying participative interactions?  In the

               conversation  exchange participants share their thoughts,  expressed through  words  and actions

               forming or leading reaction.  I call this demonstration of personality projection “T.W.A” because

               it was often described in my earlier WISR papers – it is the manifestation of the ‘modus operandi’

               its viewable and some degree measurable expression of rational behavior. Thoughts, Words and

               Actions, the TWA are signs, indicators to me of where you are coming from, they tell me a lot in

               how you choose words and sentences, your body language, facial expression and fortitude of your

               opinion open up the gateway to do this research in a consolidated way observing each member in

               contrast to the group.  There are waves and cycles within the carriage of ongoing communication

               dependent on mood, interest of the person(s) and persuasiveness of the topic to engage dialogue.

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