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                                                Desalination Technology

            Highly Efficient Salt Extraction System

            The Langenburg Technologies Desalination System extracts salts and excessive minerals from
            large  volumes  of  industrial  and  municipal  waste,  or  seawater.  Langenburg  Technologies
            Systems are more efficient than other systems, having a significantly reduced footprint.

            Conventional desalination plants bear the burden of high volumes of salts and toxic effluent that
            must be disposed of off-site. Landfills are utilized as a partial solution. Residual salt-concentrates
            are  pumped miles off-shore for disposal, resulting  in much higher saline concentrations and
            lower ocean pH levels found at the outfalls.

            Current desalination processes are detrimental to the ocean life and fisheries, and legislation is
            becoming  increasingly  restrictive  about  these  practices.  The  Langenburg  Technologies
            Desalination  System  creates  high  quality  drinking  water  for  municipalities  or  pure  water  for
            industry. Electrical power is generated as a byproduct of the process with excess power that can
            be utilized by industry or sold to the electrical grid. Effluent is destroyed by our plasma system
            leaving no toxic waste or pollution.

            Salt can be purified to food grade natural sea salt and sold as a commodity or destroyed through
            our plasma system. This leaves no need for landfill waste disposal or detrimental ocean outfalls.
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