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            •  Embedding a Compliance & Risk Management            effort and energy in helping to steady the affairs
               Culture                                             of  our  Credit  Union.  The  Chairman  expressed
                                                                   thanks  also  to  all  other  partners  in  the  Co-
            •  Strengthening  &  Promoting  Brand  (MCCU           operative family for their help along the journey:
               1977) Ltd.                                          the League, The Department of Co-operatives and
            •  Building Sustainable Liquidity                      Friendly Societies, our Auditors, our bankers, the
                                                                   many providers of goods and services.
            •  Achieving greater return of Assets towards the
               building of a stronger Capital Base                 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS

            •  Enhancing/widening Service Delivery Channels        Mr. Berresford South said that he was heartened
                                                                   to  see  that  the  matter  of  merger  was  being
            •  Improving Service Delivery Standards
            Short  Term  Goals  for  2017:  The  financial  and    He  also  commended  the  Credit  Union  for  its
            operational  targets  for  2017  are  outlined  as     donation to the Red Cross towards the purchase
                                                                   of a wheelchair accessible vehicle as part of its
                                                                   social outreach.
            •  To attain 15% loans growth
            •  To grow the savings portfolio by 12%                On  a  motion  moved  by  Ms.  Karen  Miller  and
                                                                   seconded by Mr. Shirley Johnson, the report of
            •  To grow assets by 11.5% to $5 billion               the Board of Directors was adopted.

            •  To attain surplus of $89 million                    Rev.  Danvers  paused  to  welcome  Director

            •  To attain average loan yield of 14.5%               Mr. Astley Scott.
            •  To attain an average investment yield of 5.65%      TREASURER’S REPORT:

            •  To attain an institutional capital ratio of 18.6%      Highlights of this report were presented by the
                                                                      Treasurer, Mr. Alfred Daley as follows:-
            In closing, the President noted that in order to
            shore-up the sustainability of the Credit Union, all   Gross  Domestic  Product  (GDP),  supported  by
            members are called on, not only to make use of         noticeable  growth  in  both  the  agriculture  and
            the  loan  facilities,  but  to  live  up  to  their  loan  manufacturing  sectors  was  set  to  end  the
            obligations  as  well.    Being  part  of  a  member-  2016/17 fiscal year at 1.7%. Inflation remained
            owned  financial  institution  is  not  merely  a      at  record  low  level  and  there  was  further
            privilege but a serious responsibility.  He again      strengthening  of  the  net  international  reserves
            reminded the entire membership that our Credit         which  hit  the  $3  billion  mark  during  the  year.
            Union will be as strong as we together allow it to     Additionally, the Debt to GDP ratio continued to
            be and that we continue to demonstrate a high          trend   in   the   right   direction   given   the
            level  of  social  responsibility  and  make  our      Government’s curtailed appetite for borrowing.
            communities and interest groups in Manchester
            feel our presence.                                     During  the  year,  the  Government  was  able  to
                                                                   successfully  implement  certain  tax  reform
            The Board expressed thanks to the Management           measures that resulted in an improvement in the
            team and staff members, of every rank, for the         disposable  income  of  a  number  of  employees.
            continued  commitment  to  the  success  of  the       These measures also brought about a welcomed
            Credit  Union.  The  work  of  the  Board  has  been   increase in tax revenues. Also, the effort to tame
            supported  very  well,  especially  by  the  General   the crime monster had placed further burden on
            Manager,  who  provided  measured  advice  and         the country’s scarce financial resources during the
            guidance.  Recognition and expression of thanks        year.
            were  extended  to  all  volunteers  for  their  time,
            10                                                                               ANNUAL REPORT 2017
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