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                   financial institution we have to make sure that    proposal,  based  on  the  fact  that  we  would  be
                   the loan is repayable. He said that in recent      carrying forward almost $20 million, we should
                   times  we  have  cut  down  on  the  number  of    note that it is very important for us to always have
                   documents that members are asked to take           a strong undistributed surplus carrying forward.
                   in, especially for multiple borrowers. He asked    One of the main reasons is that we were quickly
                   that Mr. Sharpe visits one of the branches to      approaching the Bank of Jamaica Regulations and
                   get further clarification.                         they have certain demands.  One such demand is
                                                                      the amount of capital that the Credit Union must
               On a motion moved by Mr. Jeremaine McKenzie            have; however, we are not certain of the extent
               and  seconded  by  Mr.  Stanley  Skeene,  the          of the demand from BOJ; therefore, we need to
               Treasurer’s Report and the Auditor’s Report were       have a strong reserve outside of the ‘bonafide’
               adopted.                                               institutional capital.

               APPROPRIATION OF NET SURPLUS                           Mr. Allen further explained that the Disaster Relief
                                                                      Fund was set up primarily to assist members in
               The Treasurer, Mr. Alfred Daley took the meeting       cases where they might face a natural disaster.
               through the Appropriation of Surplus outlined as       Over  the  many  years  we  have  not  been  called
               follows:-                                              upon to pay out much from that Fund.  Outside of
                                                                      the  Disaster  Relief  Fund,  there  is  the  Social
               Undistributed Net Surplus       $93,315,361.00         Outreach  Fund  that  is  also  used  to  assist
               Appropriations:                                        members.
               Institutional Capital        $60,000,000.00            Mr. Allen noted that on top of the $2.6 million that
               Social Outreach              $  1,000,000.00           was  already  there,  $100,000.00  would  be
               Dividend (7.5%)              $  7,800,000.00           sufficient to add to the Disaster Relief Fund.
               General Loan Loss Reserves   $  1,500,000.00           Mrs. Betisha Chambers asked if it is that persons
               Disaster Relief Fund         $     100,000.00          do not know about the Fund why it was not being
               Sydney Carter Scholarship    $  1,000,000.00           used,  because  she  has  known  of  persons  who
                                                                      have faced disasters and it was the first she was
               Honorarium                   $  2,000,000.00           knowing that this fund was available and wanted
               Total                          ($73,400,000.00)        to know how to access it.  Mr. Daley informed her
               Balance C/F to next year        $19,915,361.00         that every year at the A.G.M. it is made known
                                                                      that  an  amount  is  being  put  aside  for  this
               Mr.  Renford  Douglas  recommended  that  an           purpose.
               additional One Million Dollars be distributed to the
               Disaster  Relief  Fund.  Mr.  Daley  said  that  he    Mr.  Daley  moved  for  the  acceptance  of  the
               appreciated Mr. Douglas’ recommendation; how-          Appropriation of Surplus as outlined earlier which
               ever, this money that is put aside each year is        was seconded by Mrs. Sharon Peart and carried.
               hardly  ever  used,  therefore  we  are  not  overly
               anxious to add a large amount to it.
                                                                      FIXING OF MAXIMUM LIABILITY
               Mr. Harris Senior said he was in support of the
               proposal as this money could be put where it can       Be  it  resolved  that  the  Maximum  Liability  for
               earn interest, especially given the fact that we are   which  the  Board  of  Directors  may  commit
               prone to disasters these days. He further said that    Manchester  Co-operative  Credit  Union  (1977)
               even if it is not used it is good to have it for the   Limited for the year 2017, shall not exceed a ratio
               benefit of our members if a disaster should strike.    of  twelve  (12)  times  the  Capital  and  Reserve
               Mr. Lenroy Allen rose to further discuss the motion
               to increase the Disaster Relief Fund by One Million    Mr. Alfred Daley moved for the acceptance of the
               Dollars. He said that while it was a noteworthy        Fixing of Maximum Liability, it was seconded by
                                                                      Ms. Charmaine Smith and carried.

               “Where Service Exceeds Expectation”
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