Page 18 - MCCU
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            Miss  Lewis  acknowledged  Mr.  Astley  Scott  on      Questions/Comments
            completing the year for Rev. Dr. Paul Gardner who
            resigned.                                                 o   Mr. South asked if the radius/bond in which
                                                                          we  operate  would  be  extended  if  the
            Congratulations were extended to all the persons              merger should come into effect and how
            who  were  elected  to  serve  on  the  various               would  it  be  extended.  Rev.  Danvers
            committees.                                                   responded that the two (2) entities have
                                                                          established bonds so if there is a merger
            The  Board  of  Directors  was  given  authority  to          of  the  two  credit  unions  the  entire  area
            select the Delegates and Alternate Delegates to               that is encompassed by both would be the
            the Credit Union League’s Annual General Meeting              new bond and we could look at widen it a
            and other societies to which the Credit Union may             bit more.
            be affiliated on a motion moved by Mr. Shirley                Mr. South said that he believes that the
            Johnson, seconded by Mr. Owen Reid and carried.               Credit  Union  League  should  revisit  the
                                                                          rules  governing  bonds  and  the  same
            Miss  Lewis  reminded  the  Board  and  the  other            courtesies that they extend to other credit
            committees to meet within ten (10) days to elect              unions  they  should  look  at  Manchester
            officers for the various committees and forward               Credit Union with a view of extending its
            the  information  to  the  Department  of  Co-                bond  beyond  St.  Elizabeth  and  beyond
            operatives  and  Friendly  Societies,  the  Credit            Manchester’s  current  boundaries.    Rev.
            Union League and the other relevant institutions.             Danvers informed Mr. South that it is the
                                                                          Department of Co-operatives and Friendly
            ANY OTHER BUSINESS                                            Societies that set bonds and not the Credit
                                                                          Union  League.    He  further  said  that  we
            1. Merger Talks:  Rev. Danvers gave an update                 were in the dialogue mode and a number
               on  the  merger  talks.  He  informed  the                 of things were possible.
               membership that Manchester Credit Union and
               St. Elizabeth Credit Union separately selected         o   Mr.  Renford  Douglas  commended  the
               members from their Boards to represent each                Board for the progress made so far.  He
               of the credit union on the Merger Committee.               said  he  was  happy  and  satisfied  that
               There had been five (5) such meetings up to                progress  was  being  made.    He  said  he
               that time and two (2) meetings with the entire             applaud the Board and they should keep
               boards of Manchester and St. Elizabeth were                on pursuing the merger and hopefully by
               represented; therefore, they have been fully               2018 we would have one of the biggest
               engaged in the process so far and both boards              credit unions in Jamaica.
               had sent their agreements to these talks going
               forward.  Contact  had  been  made  with  the       2. Transportation for New Forest Members:
               Credit Union League and the Department of              Mr. Stafford Banton asked why transportation
               Co-operatives and Friendly Societies and they          was no longer provided for the members in
               have  been  giving  advice  and  technical             New  Forest  to  attend  the  Annual  General
               support.  A  memorandum  of  Understanding             Meeting.   The Chairman informed Mr. Banton
               was drafted as part of the way forward.  Also          that  the  response  from  members  in  New
               going forward, two (2) things need to be done.         Forest was very limited as not many persons
               Firstly, a Due Diligent Agreement will have to         had  expressed  an  interest  in  attending  the
               be in place. This document will allow the credit       meeting.   Mr. Banton said that this was not
               unions  to  have  access  to  documents                so as he had visited the Mandeville office the
               containing details for each other.  This would         week before the meeting to find out if a bus
               facilitate  assessing  the  records  of  the           would  be  going  to  New  Forest  to  transport
               institutions. This assessment would be done            members to the meeting.  He said that he was
               by an independent body.  Secondly, when the            told that he would receive a call; however, he
               credit unions decide on a merger, the matter           did  not  receive  a  call  as  promised.    Rev.
               would have to be treated as a project and a            Danvers  responded  that  we  were  accepting
               Project Manager would have to be hired.                that something went wrong, but the matter
                                                                      will be corrected next time around.
            18                                                                               ANNUAL REPORT 2017
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