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PERSONNEL The construction of an emergency exit on the
ground floor of the Mandeville Branch was done
Training during the year.
Staff and volunteers participated in a number of Marketing
training/workshops throughout the year. Some of
these sessions are listed below: The Sales & Marketing Department parti-
cipated in a number of expositions and
Teller Training, Corporate Governance, events to include the following:
Credit Risk Management, Occupational
Safety and Health, New Staff Orientation, 1. Rotary Roast
Management Skills for New Managers, Audit
Techniques, Succession Planning, IFRS 9 2. Men Who Cook
and POCA/AML/CFT. 3. JCDC Festival Queen
4. Alston High School Career Day
Key Stakeholders Seminar
5. High Mountain Coffee Road Races
A key Stakeholders Seminar was successfully held 6. Christiana High School Career Day
in September 2017. Representatives from St.
Elizabeth Co-operative Credit Union also 7. Frankfield Primary School Career Day
participated in the seminar. Presentations were 8. Knox Community College’s College Day
made on a range of topics including The Banking Expo
Services Code of Conduct, JDIC, IFRS 9, Bank of
Jamaica Fit & Proper Requirements, The Role of 9. Manchester Parish Library Reggae on the
Capital in the New Regulatory Environment, Lawn Expo
Occupational Health and Safety and Health & 10. Northern Caribbean University Orientation
Wellness, among other topics. Exercise
11. Social Development Commission’s Town
Promotions/Recruitment & Separation Hall Meetings
Changes were made to our staff compliment PRODUCTS & SERVICES
during the year. A total of six (6) employees were
promoted and two (2) were transferred. Also, Special Promotions
there were eleven (11) new hires. We had one
separation due to the early retirement of our A special savings campaign dubbed “Become a
Former General Manager who served the Better Saver in 2017” was launched at the start
Organization for over 31 years.
of the year to collectively promote the Partner
Plan, Golden Harvest and Wealth Accelerator
Merger Talks with St. Elizabeth Co-operative products. These products were geared towards
Credit Union Limited:
meeting short, medium and long term saving
The St. Elizabeth Co-operative Credit Union goals.
Limited wrote to the Manchester Co-operative
Credit Union (1977) Limited stating that they are In November, special revisions were done to a
withdrawing from the Memorandum of Under- number of our loan products to boost growth in
standing re the merger discussions. The letter these critical areas. The revised products were as
stated that at a later date the merger discussions follows:
could be resumed if both parties were still inclined
to pursue the same objectives. Manchester Dream Wheels Auto Loan Special
agreed to the withdrawal from the Memorandum
of Understanding. The Dream Wheels Auto Loan Special was
comprised of the following features:
“Where Service Exceeds Expectation”