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               BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS – 2017

               The table below outlines the attendance of the Board of Directors at the Thirty-One (31) meetings that
               were held during the year:

                  NAMES                         POSSIBLE MEETINGS            ATTENDED         EXCUSED        ABSENT
                  *Charles Danvers                        31                     31               0              0
                  *Claude Rattray                         31                     30               1              0
                  *Alfred Daley                           31                     31               0              0
                  *Joan Smith                             31                     27               4              0
                  *Alexander Bourne                       31                     30               1              0

                  Dianna Tomlinson                        17                     16               1              0
                  Darcia Roache                           17                     12               5              0
                  Althia Scott-Jones                      17                     13               4              0
                  Nicholas Spence                         17                     15               2              0
                  Stallyn Insang                          17                     13               4              0
                  Astley Scott                             3                      2               1              0
                  Cleveland Robinson                      12                      9               2              1

               *Members of the Executive

               Management Retreat:                                    of Mrs. Cynthia Briscoe who lead the Institution
                                                                      during the first half of the year and Mr. Lenroy
               The Management Retreat for 2017 was held in            Allen who provided leadership for the second half.
               December. The focus of that year’s retreat was the     Our appreciation to all volunteers whose individual
               development  of  the  Credit  Union’s  Five-Year       and  collective  inputs  were  highly  valued.  To  all
               Business Plan.                                         other  supporters  of  our  work,  we  express  our
                                                                      gratitude:  The  League,  The  Department  of  Co-
               CONCLUSION                                             operatives    and    Friendly   Societies,   other
                                                                      Co-operatives,  our  Auditors,  Bankers  and  the
               The highly competitive financial landscape and a       many suppliers of goods and services.
               more  informed  and  demanding  membership,
               make it imperative that the structures, policies       With the expectation of changes to the regulatory
               and  general  operations  of  the  Manchester  Co-     environment and greater demands for account-
               operative Credit Union (1977) Limited keep apace       ability, the Manchester Co-operative Credit Union
               of the social and economic realities of Jamaica and    (1977) Limited has been positioning itself to ‘face
               the world. The Board of Directors recognizes the       the music’. Being the people of faith we are, let
               challenging,  yet  necessary  sacrifices  that  are    us allow the working of God’s almighty hands to
               needed  by  all,  in  order  for  the  Institution  to  continue to direct us as we chart the course of
               continue its forward thrust. This is yet another call  success  with  confidence,  knowing  that  we  are
               to  all  our  members  to  be  as  supportive  and     victors through Him, from whom all good gifts do
               responsive  to  our  individual  responsibilities,  as  come.  Let  us  all  continue  to  strive  for  the
               needs be.                                              improvements in the affairs of each member and
                                                                      the Institution itself, which helps to sustain us.
               In closing, the Board expresses sincere thanks to
               the entire Management Team and all categories of
               staff members. We especially recognize the work

                                                                      Rev. Charles Danvers
                                                                      Rev. Charles Danvers
                                                                      P P
               “Where Service Exceeds Expectation”
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