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               •   100% Financing for New Vehicles                    •   April 28 - Financial tips for members using
               •   Interest rates reduced to as low as 7.99%              Text Messaging/ SMS Blast
               •   Repayment term extended to a maximum            Town Hall Meetings
                   of 8 years
                                                                   Our  series  of  Town  Hall  Meetings  continued  in
            These offers were scheduled to expire on January       2017 with the first one being held in the month of
            31, 2018.                                              April  in  the  Craighead  community.  The  second
                                                                   meeting was held in Porus in month of August.
            Property Loan                                          The  third  meeting  which  was  planned  for  the
                                                                   Newport Community in October was affected by
            The Property loan was comprised of the following       inclement weather. We continue to invite strategic
            features:                                              partners onboard such as the HEART Trust NTA,
               •   Maximum loan amount of $25 Million              Rural Agricultural Development Authority, Social
                                                                   Development  Commission,  CUNA  Caribbean
               •   Up to 20 years to repay                         Insurance and the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
               •   Interest rates as low as 7.99%                  The hosting of Town Hall Meetings forms part of
                                                                   the  Credit  Union’s  commitment  to  ongoing
            Cash Secured Loan                                      member education.
               •   Interest rates as low as 7.99%
                                                                   Sydney Carter Scholarship & Bursaries
            Unsecured Loans
                                                                   A  total  of  five  tertiary  level  students  received
               •   Maximum loan amount of $2 Million               financial assistance to commence the 2017/2018
                                                                   Academic Year. Mr. Zanor Bell, a 2nd year Social
            PUBLIC RELATIONS                                       Science student of the University of West Indies
                                                                   was  awarded  the  Sydney  Carter  Scholarship
            LABOUR DAY                                             valued at $300,000.00 per annum while the other
                                                                   students received bursaries totaling $700,000.00
            The  Credit  Union’s  Labour  Day  Project  was        as follows:
            conducted  on  May  23,  2017  at  the  Christiana
            Police Station. The project involved repainting the     NAME              INSTITUTION AMOUNT $
            interior sections of the officers’ living quarters.
            This  was  achieved  through  the  participation  of    Janoi Reid                          200,000.00
            nine (9) members of staff, four (4) volunteers and      Jobie Ann Powell NCU                200,000.00
            a member from the Mandeville branch. The day
            was  a  success  the  objective  was  met  and  the     Kimela Burnett                      150,000.00
            excess paint was handed over to the officers for        Jaleel Blake                        150,000.00
            future use.

            Financial Fitness Month                                GSAT Bursaries

            For a third year, the month of April was declared      Twenty  (20)  students  received  GSAT  Bursaries
            as Financial Literacy Month by the Jamaica Co-         from the Credit Union valued at $15,000.00 each
            operative  Credit  Union  League.  As  such,           to assist with the start of their secondary level
            Manchester supported this initiative by way of the     education.    Two  (2)  additional  students  also
            following activities:                                  received  GSAT  bursaries;  One  from  the  Staff
                                                                   Welfare Fund and the other from the Jamaica Co-
               •   April 12 - A one day session to educate         operative Credit Union League for the parish of
                   students  on  Financial  Planning  at  the      Manchester. These students who are active youth
                   Holmwood Technical High School                  savers were all selected based on their savings
               •   April  20  -  A  Town  Hall  Meeting    in  the  pattern and academic performance.
                   Craighead Community
               •   April 21 - Participation in the JCCUL Reality
                   Fair at the Golf View Hotel
            22                                                                               ANNUAL REPORT 2017
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