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               The low interest rates, coupled with the quest by      Loans
               especially larger institutions to preserve market
               share,  triggered  a  fresh  round  of  aggressive     The growth in total assets was aided by a 14% or
               competition  within  the  financial  sector.    The    $309  million  increase  in  loans  after  provisions
               Manchester Co-operative Credit Union, amidst the       were accounted for. This increase was supported
               fierce  competition,  was  once  again  able  to       by robust growth in motor vehicle and unsecured
               produce  creditable  results  in  the  key  areas  of  loans which rose by 22% and 18% respectively.
               operations during the financial year, as outlined in   Real estate loans also went up by 12% during the
               the report                                             year.

               Profitability                                          Investments and Cash Reserves

               Total income of $506 million was earned during         The cash and investment portfolio closed the year
               the 2016 financial year.  This was 5% above the        at $1.8 billion. This represented an increase of 7%
               amount earned in 2015.  It cost a total of $429        over 2015 and accounted for 39% of total assets.
               million  to  carry  out  the  operations  of  the      The Credit Union earned an average of 5.8% on
               Organization in 2016.  This was 3.5% more than         investments during the year. This was below the
               what was spent during the previous year.               6.5% achieved in 2015.

               The surplus for the year was $77 million. This was     Savings
               14.5% above the amount earned in 2015.  The
               growth  in  surplus  was  due  mainly  to  the  42%    Total  savings  grew  by  $368  million  or  by  12%
               reduction in provisions for loan loss. Interest from   during  the  year.  This  was  the  highest  annual
               loans  contributed  $351  million  or  69%  of  total  growth over the past five years.  Total savings was
               income. Income generated from investments was          just under $3.4 billion at the end of 2016.
               $89 million. This was $4 million or 4% below the
               amount  earned  in  2015.  The  decrease  in           Key Financial Indicators
               investment income was as a result of the fall in
               interest rates during the year.                        Our    Organization    exceeded    the   League’s
                                                                      standards in most of the key financial indicators.
               Income from fees and commissions contributed           The loan to asset ratio rose from 54.5% in 2015
               $66 million or 13% of total revenues for the year.     to  55.9%  in  2016.  The  Credit  Union  aims  to
               This was an increase over the $55 million earned       achieve the minimum standard of 60% over the
               in the previous year. There were no adjustments        short term.
               to fees and service charges during the year.
                                                                      Institutional Capital Reserve
               Key Profitability Trends
                                                                      The Credit Union was able to strengthen its capital
               The  Credit  Union  achieved  an  income  to  asset    base  during  the  year.  Total  institutional  capital
               ratio of 11.1% in 2016. This was a decline from        stood at $789 million at the end of the period.
               the 11.8% in the 2015.  The decline in the income      This represented a $70 million or 10% growth.
               to asset ratio was as a result of the reduction in     The institutional capital to asset ratio fell slightly
               the interest rate on loans and investments during      from 17.6% in 2015 to 17.4% at the end of the
               the year. The return on assets ratio was 1.7% at       2016 financial year.  However, this ratio was well
               the end of the financial year. This was a slight       above the minimum 8% standard prescribed by
               increase over the 1.6% achieved in 2015.               the  League  and  surpassed  the  capital  ratio
                                                                      requirement set by the Bank of Jamaica.
               Asset Growth
               Total assets ended the year at $4.5 billion. This
               represented an increase of 11% over the amount         The  delinquency  rate  fell  from  6%  in  2015  to
               for  2015.    The  accumulated  increase  over  the    5.7% at the end of the 2016 financial year. This
               period was $1.8 billion or 65%.                        welcomed  decline  was  as  a  result  of  the
                                                                      implementation of effective delinquency control
                                                                      measures during the year.
               “Where Service Exceeds Expectation”
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