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            Investment,  The  Law  behind  the  Loans,             PRODUCTS & SERVICES
            Succession  Planning,  Credit  Risk  Manage-
            ment, Audit Techniques, POCA/AML/CFT &                 New  Product  Development  and  Special
            Successful New Manager.                                Promotions

            Promotion/Recruitment & Separation                     In February, the Dream Wheels Auto Loan was
                                                                   revised resulting in a special offer which lasted for
            There  were  changes  to  our  staff  complement       six  (6)  months.  Towards  the  latter  part  of  the
            during the review period as a total of eight staff     year, the Moni Booster (Prosperity) Loan Special
            members  were  promoted  and  one  person  was         was  brought  on  stream  which  received
            transferred.  During the year we also bid farewell     tremendous take up from the membership.
            to a number of staff members some of whom had
            served the Organization for over twenty years.         A special savings campaign dubbed “Save Big in
                                                                   2016” ran throughout the greater part of the year.
            MARKETING ACTIVITIES                                   Similarly,  a  loans  campaign  dubbed  “Live  your
                                                                   Dream in 2016” ran concurrently with the main
            The Sales & Marketing Department carried out a         focus being on Motor Vehicle and Property Loans.
            number  of  activities  throughout  the  year  to
            promote the Credit Union’s products and services.      Outdoor Advertising

            65 th  Anniversary Celebrations                        The project to refurbish the Credit Union’s Bus
                                                                   Shed  located  on  the  New  Green  Road  was
            The 65th Anniversary Celebrations got under way        completed in the first quarter of 2016.
            on  May  29  with  a  Church  Service  at  the  St.
            Augustine’s  Anglican  Church  in  Porus.  An          PUBLIC RELATIONS
            Anniversary feature also appeared in the Sunday
            Gleaner’s Outlook Magazine on May 29, 2016.            Some of the Public Relation activities undertaken
                                                                   during the year included the following:
            Other activities that were carried out throughout
            the rest of the year included:                         Labour Day
            •  The awarding of the 65  th  Ivan Harris Bursary     The  2016  Labour  Day  project  supported  the
               to  Abigail  Senior,  a  6 th  form  student  of    National  Theme,  “For  Health’s  Sake,  Keep  it
               Manchester High School.                             Clean.” This involved the Credit Union partnering

            •  The hosting of a Family Fun Day & Back to           with the Manchester Parish Council to clean up
               School Fair at Brooks Park                          and  beautify  the  Mandeville  Town  Centre.  The
                                                                   Credit Union team focused on areas adjacent to
            •  The  offering  of  the  Anniversary  Product        its  Mandeville  office.  Activities  included  the
               Specials                                            repainting of a pedestrian crossing, the repainting
                                                                   of  the  perimeter  walls  on  Beaumont  Drive  and
            •  Hosting of the 65 th  Anniversary/Long Service      cleaning up of the adjoining vacant lot.
               Awards Banquet
                                                                   Town Hall Meetings
            •  A cash donation to Holmwood Technical High
                                                                   The first Town Hall Meeting for 2016 was held in
                                                                   the town of Mandeville in April and was scheduled
            65 Anniversary Product Specials
                                                                   to  coincide  with  the  League’s  Financial  Fitness
                                                                   Month Activities. Subsequently, a second meeting
            There were special offers on both a saving and a       was held in September in the town of Christiana.
            loan product.  The Saving Special focused on the       On both occasions, presentations were made on
            Wealth  Accelerator  Product,  while  the  Loan        products & services, current promotions and tips
            Special was designed as an unsecured loan being        on financial planning.
            offered at an affordable interest rate.

            8                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT 2017
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