Page 113 - Academy Mastermind Book
P. 113

CALLS          CALLS


 This is a Game and you will need to prepare for the Game. Scheduling   Most important know your audience before you call
 your time is important. Just like you would make an appointment with   A lead is not just a lead, it's a person trying to gather information
 clients, you are going to make an appointment with yourself! Do not break
 your appointment or blow off it off.   Which Lead Source:
 1.  It's Game Time......kinda but this is the mindset you must have in-order   HomeLight, UpNest,, friend, Website, Chatbot, social media, personal
    to make calls. Drink some caffeine, do some jumping jacks and get   referral
    yourself  red up!! People like talking to other people that are   At all times it is important to make the clients feel special - almost like they are your
    excited.....if you aren't they won't be excited to talk to you.    only client. Make sure to pause, take a deep breath, smile and then it's.....
 2.  Where and when will you be making your calls?   SHOW TIME!!!!!!!!
 If you get distracted easily then calling from home may be a better choice   How to structure the call:
 for you or if you like an energy vibe maybe a coffee shop or of ce might be
 a better place.   •  Hi is this (Name) (Name of your Brokerage)
                       ****NEVER SAY HOW IS YOUR DAY**** BARF!!!!!
        •  (Lead Source) asked me to personally reach out to you.
 Time of day is important too. Sometimes it is easier to connect   •  It says here you are looking for a home or it looks like you’re planning on selling your
 with people late afternoon or even on the weekends.....Yes I said   home on ABC st?
 weekends. If you connection % is higher give yourself the best odds.....     **This is when you take great notes on the details of the home, kitchen, baths,
 you will Thank me later.  back yard and make sure to recap when you are  nished.
 Personalize the conversation and tailor your conversation to the client's
 speci c needs and interests. Use the information you gathered to address
 any concerns they might have, provide relevant updates, and offer
 solutions that align with their preferences.  INTRODUCTION
           Hi is this (Name)?
 Provide valuable information: This could include market trends, recent      Yes, who is this?
 sales in the area, or updates on the property they are interested in.
           This is (Name) with (Brokerage), (Lead source) asked me to personally reach
           out to you. Looks like you’re interested in purchasing a home here in the
           Phoenix Valley. Is this something you are thinking of doing in the next 6-12
              No we de nitely need to be in something in about the next 3 months. My
           wofe works at USAA and we just got transferred here from Chicago so we have
           been renting but need to get into something before the kids start school.
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