Page 142 - Academy Mastermind Book
P. 142

APPOINTMENTS/                                                                  APPOINTMENTS/
                SHOWINGS                                                                       SHOWINGS

         SHOWING HOMES                                                                  SHOWING HOMES

                   GOOD, BAD AND UGLY STRATEGY                                                           THE RATING GAME 1 – 5
               SHOWING HOMES TO BUILD LONG TERM                                        What to look for:
                              RELATIONSHIPS.                                                                    1    Absolutely NOT

            FOR BUYERS:  POINTING OUT THE POSITIVES AND                                                         2
             NEGATIVES TO ENSURE THE CLIENT MAKES THE BEST                                                           It’s OK
                             PURCHASING DECISION.
                                                                                                                3    I kinda like it
                  What to look for:
                      • Always talking about Resale Value – you make money when you buy,
                        not when you sell.                                                                      4    I really like this BUT…..
                      • Lifestyle around the area – Entertainment, Fun Places, Events, Dining,
                        Shopping, Hiking
                      • Lot Location – North/South Exposure                                                     5    OMG….This is it!!!
                      • Busy Streets
                      • Power Lines
                      • High School – Night Lights                                     When you are looking at multiple homes it’s hard to keep track of the feedback
                      • Churches                                                       your clients are giving you. This allows you to know exactly where their Mindset
                      • Strip Clubs                                                    is during the showings by rating each house.
                      • How do the neighboring homes look like on the street?
                      • Are there 2 story homes behind that limit privacy?
                                                                                       It also gives you the opportunity to ask them questions based off their answers.
                  No HOA’s – Pro’s & Con’s                                             Why did you Rate this a 2? What would make it a 5? You will be able to get into
                      • Can paint any color – can you imagine a purple house next door to you?
                      • Working on cars in their driveway                              the Mind of your Buyer.
                      • Not weeding and taking care of appearances
                      • No additional monthly costs                                    This is a 4……what’s holding it back to be a 5?
                  HOA’s – Pro’s & Con’s                                                Sometimes they will go back and change their answers to previous homes that
                      • Written up for not pulling in your garage can in time.         they have seen…….now you know that they are engaged!
                      • All painting and improvements need to be approved to maintain continuity
                        of the neighborhood.                                           They will let you know when it’s a 5 and typically that’s followed up with,
                                                                                       Now what do we do?
                  Bad Area, but they love the home:
                      • You ask that they revisit the Buyer Advisory                   In your mind you scream out loud….Checkmate!!!
                      • Talk to neighbors                                              We found the right one!
                      • Visit the home later in the evening
                      • Suggest they stop into the local grocery store to see who      Now it’s time to put together THE OFFER
                        is shopping there.
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