Page 138 - Academy Mastermind Book
P. 138

APPOINTMENTS/                                                                  APPOINTMENTS/
                SHOWINGS                                                                       SHOWINGS

        GAME PLAN (PREP BEFORE SHOWING)                                                PRESENTATION OF SELF

        Neighborhood (Cont.)                                                                          APPEARANCE WHEN MEETING
                                                                                                 WITH A CLIENT FOR THE FIRST TIME
                 •  Remember that you are selling a lifestyle, not just a home
                                                                                       Women: Job Interview look -No Selling Sunset - No workout attire - Hair - Modest
                 •  Know park locations, community or city pools, cultural center's
                                                                                       Make-up - Team shirt (Who is your audience) Tattoos - Be Careful
                 •  How close to schools, freeways and shopping
                                                                                       Men: Job interview look - Clean Shaven - Beard trimmed - shirt no stains - Clean shoes
                 •  Ask them what they like to eat and suggest a few favorite restaurants  (Stop wearing those beat up work boots) Team Shirt or Brokerage shirt
        Know your Market                                                               (Who is your audience) Tattoos - Be careful
                 •  Tour New home subdivisions
                 •  Tour homes in your preferred neighborhood                                               POSITIVE ENERGY
                 •  Hold open houses
                                                                                       Upbeat, Happy, Friendly, Have positive things to say (No one wants to hear your
                 •  Tour open houses                                                   Problems)
                 •  Go on HomeSmart home tours
                                                                                       Remember - You never know what your client is thinking or how they react when they
                                                                                        rst meet you. You only have seconds to make that  rst impression last for a lifetime.
        Home Tid Bits

                 •  Change your air  lter with each electric bill – HVAC Service once a year                        VOICE
                 •  Grass needs to be seeded twice a year
                 •  Drain water heater every 6 months to prolong it's life             In Person: Speak clearly, speak directly to client, have voice in ection, smile when
                                                                                       speaking. NO monotone voice, a happy voice not humdrum and MOST important EYE
                 •  Adjust automatic water timer with season changes                   CONTACT!!!
                 •  Where’s the water/gas cut off valve in case of emergency
        Don’t Forget!                                                                                       CONVERSATIONS

                 •  Give out your buyer guide — Email or text them the link            Think about the Scenario - Cater the conversation around Buyer/Seller (Buckets)
                 •  Do not forget to talk about the Buyer Advisory
                                                                                       •   Questions related to the scenario they are experiencing (Buckets)
                 •  Talk about the steps in the Home buying process
                                                                                       •   Listen to clients answers to form new questions
                                                                                       •   Rating Game 1 – 5
                                                                                       •   Form "Game Plan"
                                                                                       •   Recap and Buy-In from clients.
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