Page 19 - Patty Hahne "The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots"
P. 19

suspension lines between a parachute canopy and a para-
            chute harness.  It got its name because in order to meet
            military specifications, it needed to have a minimal tensile
            strength of 550 pounds.
              One thing that’s important to keep in mind is that it’s
            possible to purchase products that are advertised as para-
            cord that  do not meet
            the specifications of hav-
            ing a 550 pound tensile
            strength. One helpful tip
            is to make sure that you
            are purchasing paracord
            that is labeled “MIL-C-
            5040H type III.” This
            is the designation the
            United States military
            has given for the par-
            ticular type of paracord
            they use.
              It is typically around
            4 mm in diameter.  It has
                                   Figure 1.
            an outer woven sheath
            that typically encases seven inner core strands of cordage.
            Each of these seven core strands are typically made up of
            even more thinner strands that are twisted together. Figure
            1 shows a photograph of 550 paracord that has a portion

                               Introduction to Various Types of Rope         13
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