Page 22 - Patty Hahne "The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots"
P. 22
Figure 2.
General Purpose Rope: This is the type of rope you typi-
cally find in the bargain bins at your big box home improve-
ment stores. You can often pick up 50 to 100 feet of it for
between five and ten dollars. This particular type of rope
might be referred to as “junk” or “throwaway” rope. Despite
the fact that it isn’t designed to stand up to the rigors a
high-quality mountaineering rope can withstand, there is
definitely a place for it in prepping.
Keeping in mind that this type of cordage isn’t designed to
last for years or to support heavy loads, it’s probably a good
16 The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots