Page 97 - Patty Hahne "The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots"
P. 97
5. Pass the end with the fisherman’s knot in the loop over
and around the thicker rope. The double fisherman’s knot
should actually pass through the loop so that your loop
of rope is now wrapped completely around the thicker
rope. This is illustrated in figure 25c.
Figure 25c.
6. Thread this end through the loop at least three times. Pay
close attention as you make each wrap so the coils in the
wraps don’t cross over each other.
7. You will have now created at least three wraps around
the thicker main rope. Take a minute and dress the knot
to double-check that all of these wraps are lying neatly
Instructions for Tying Prepper Knots 91