Page 98 - Patty Hahne "The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots"
P. 98
and not crossing over each
other. Figure 25d shows
three wraps of the loop
around the main line and
they are all neatly dressed.
8. Apply tension to the end
of the rope with the fisher-
man’s knot in it to take the
slack out of the knot. You
have now completed the Figure 25d.
prusik knot. Note that
you’ll have to manipulate
the wraps with your fingers
somewhat to get them to
snug up tightly around the
main line. Figure 25e shows
what the completed prusik
knot should look like on
the main line.
If you have tied it correctly,
and you are using rope with
enough friction, you shouldn’t Figure 25e.
be able to move the position
of the prusik knot along the
standing part of the thicker rope when tension is applied to
92 The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots