Page 58 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 58
Service Dogs Helping
Veterans in Need
MaRk k. aRCHaMBeau
There is no question that people who serve in any type of service toward a community
undergo enormous stressors that most civilians or citizens cannot possibly comprehend.
Today’s military is no different. However, despite the support services of the past, some
organizations are taking steps in order to help their brothers and sisters in need, even while
still actively serving.
Spearheading one initiative are two U.S. Marines who know all too well the stressors
experienced by those in combat and other life-altering experiences. Chief Warrant
Officer 4 (CWO4) Scott Bolman is a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and
Operation Enduring Freedom and now the Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps
Installations East Regional Brig facility. Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) Raul D.
Concepcion is an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran and serves as Brig Supervisor.
Together, these men continue to take care of their brothers and sis-
ters in arms for their time after combat. Using lessons
learned from their previous tours aboard
the Camp Lejeune Brig (formerly known
as Brig Company, Headquarters and
Support Battalion), they developed
and operate a service dog
program to help veterans
in need.