Page 63 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 63
notes from the field
Smart Lockers Saving Time and
Lost Inmate Property
Sgt. Parker explained
that before the inmate trans-
ports out, he or she fills out
a property release form for
the intended pick-up person,
including cell phone number
or email address. Then the
inmate’s name is entered into
the storage locker software.
To place property into a
locker, the Property Officer
logs in using his or her secret
code, chooses the inmate from
a displayed list, and selects
the locker size needed, then a
locker door pops open. Once
the property is placed inside
47-unit Smiota smart-locker
and the door closed, the smart-
locker sends an automated
email or text message to the
With more than 15,000 Spokane County Jail’s pick-up designee notifying
bookings per year, managing Property Sergeant GiGi Parker them the property is available
inmate property has always says this was a cumbersome for pick-up.
been a challenge at Spokane and time-consuming process. The locker knows if any
County Jail. Part of the chal- “The person picking up the items are placed inside. If the
lenge is handing off property to property would have to wait door opens and closes with
an inmate’s family member or until the Property Officer nothing inside, it doesn’t send
friend if the inmate is trans- was able to leave the Booking the notification. To pick up the
ported to prison or another area, then wait again while property, the designee can use
agency. The inmate leaves, but the property was retrieved. a phone app, a QR code, or a
the property stays behind to Multiply this by the number numerical code generated by
hopefully be claimed by some- of inmates being released to the system, which also sends
body designated by the inmate. another agency each week, reminder notifications. Our
Typically, when the designee and it routinely disrupted the policy at Spokane County Jail
arrives at the jail to pick up Property Officer’s Booking area is to store property left behind
the property of an inmate no responsibilities.” for 30 days. After 30 days, we
longer in custody, the Property Sgt. Parker began research- remove the property from the
Officer must leave the Booking ing automated smart-lockers. locker and properly dispose the
area and come to the jail lobby “Automated smart-lockers property.
to verify the pick-up person’s are being used for apartment
identity, walk to the property complexes, retail, and corporate
storage area, locate and retrieve purposes. I thought they would
the property, then have the be a good option for contactless
designee document that they property releases.”
received the property.