Page 61 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 61
operation of appliances, air travel
conditions, and wheelchair opera-
tion. During this phase, dogs are
transitioned to expose the dog
trainee to the outside community
with more human interaction.
Final training is conducted
by Canine for Service personnel.
During the final phase of training,
dog trainees are cycled through-
out training cycles back to the Brig
facility to reiterate basic training
requirements and further sustaining
learned behavior.
How many dogs have completed
the training and been placed with a
deemed trainable, dogs are brought • The dog handler maintains 24/7
to the Brig facility by Canine for accountability of the dog trainee. MSgt McClure: 10 to 15 service dogs
Service and assigned to a prisoner • The dog handler is responsible have been placed since the estab-
who has a similar personality as the for the overall wellbeing of the lishment of the program within the
animal. The dog’s personality—laid dog trainee, including consistent Brig facility.
back, high strung, calm, etc.— grooming and hygiene.
should be similar to the trainer’s • Accountability of dog train- What obstacles in this program
personality to ensure compatibility. have you been faced with? How
ing tools and equipment is the
responsibility of the dog handler. did you overcome them?
Can you describe some of the daily MSgt McClure: Initial obstacles
activities/requirements for the When is a dog considered to be included tailoring the program to
inmates and dogs? “trained” or “training completed”? the restrictions of the correctional
MSgt McClure: MSgt McClure: Once the dog passes environment including funding
provided by Canine for Service and
• A minimum of 4 hours of daily a basic evaluation of the first of MCI East Installation’s approval for
active training (treat based) is three levels of training given by housing of dogs. In order to meet
required. Canine for Service personnel, the breed requirements, age require-
dog may begin the intermediate ments, and vaccine restrictions
level of training which involves