Page 64 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 64

The 47-locker bank used at
                                                                                    Spokane County Jail contains
                                                                                    small-, medium- and large-
                                                                                    sized lockers. The cost was
                                                                                    approximately $24,000. A sec-
                                                                                    ond bank of lockers was pur-
                                                                                    chased with CARES Act funds
                                                                                    last year for the new Spokane
                                                                                    County Detention Services
                                                                                    “Intake & Releasing Center,”
                                                                                    located less than a block away
                                                                                    from the jail’s Booking intake
                                                                                      “The IRC takes pressure off
                                                                                    the jail booking area by pro-
                                                                                    cessing those offenders who’ve
                                                                                    been ordered by the courts to
                                                                                    be booked and released,” Sgt.
                                                                                    Parker told. “The lockers elimi-
                                                                                    nate the need for a property
                                                                                    inventory record and any risk
                                                                                    of a property claim, because
                                                                                    the inmate watches the officer
                                                                                    place the property and lock the
                                                                                    door. Once booking is com-
                                                                                    pleted, the offender is given the
                       Smart-locker log-in screen.                                  code to open the locker and is
                                                                                    able to remove his or her prop-
                                                                                    erty from the locker without
                         Sgt. Parker said the system   it up, it won’t allow the locker   officer assistance.”
                       is working well. “Friends and   to be opened a second time
                       family are able to pick up    until that particular locker is   FRED PETERSON
                       the property from 7 a.m. to 8   reassigned. The smart-lockers   Staff Assistant to Lt. Jason Robison
                       p.m. without any contact with   have been especially help-   Spokane County Detention
                       Detention Services staff. As a   ful in minimizing interaction   Services
                       security measure, if the prop-  between the Property Officer,   Geiger Corrections Center
                                                                                    Spokane, Washington
                       erty has already been picked   Administrative Staff, and the

                                Registration and Housing Open November 17, 2021

                              for the 41st AJA Conference & Jail Expo.

                            Turn to page 39 for more information.

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