Page 60 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 60
• previous dog handling
• conduct and behavior through-
out confinement,
• prohibitive charges that include
animal abuse/cruelty,
• motivations for program
participation (personal gain alone
is unacceptable),
CWO4 Bolman and MGySgt
Concepcion work hard to ensure • ability to work with others, and
that this program will sustain the • individual characteristics (leader-
test of time, especially given the lon- ship, willingness to learn, consid-
gevity of our nation’s latest combat erate, knowledgeable, etc.).
operations. The need to provide for
service members who have endured Can you provide some detailed How many inmates are in the
and survived the fog and horrors of information about your new dog program?
combat is an ever growing concern. program?
Given that Vietnam veterans are MSgt McClure: Canines for Service, MSgt McClure: About 10 to 15 at any
finally receiving the recognition and through MCI East Regional Brig given time.
support they needed for more than
four decades, today’s combat veter- dog trainers, provides Veterans How many staff are involved and
ans should be able to benefit from from all conflicts with service- how are they selected?
the lessons learned in the past. connected mobility limitations,
post-traumatic stress disorder, and MSgt McClure: Staff liaisons are
traumatic brain injury with highly appointed by the Commanding
Training Dogs for Service trained service dogs at no cost or
CWO4 Bolman and MGySgt Officer MCI East Brig. The indi-
Concepcion have devised a way to promotional consideration. vidual must be willing and able
employ their inmates in their small to work with animals and civilian
facility to train service dogs for any Can you tell us how inmates personnel. Canines for Service input
veteran in need. They agreed to are selected (qualifications/ is considered when appointed.
allow me access to their facility and disqualifications)?
staff in order to get a better under- MSgt McClure: A board process How are the dogs procured?
standing of the service they pro- (consisting of the Brig Programs
vide. This interview was conducted MSgt McClure: Dogs are rescued
with retired MSgt. McClure who department and Canines for Service from shelters in a regional area,
was serving at the Programs Officer representatives, appointed dog including several counties within
at the time. program liaison, and trainers) is a close vicinity to the Brig facility.
held to determine if the nominees Dogs are first evaluated by Canine
are qualified based on the following for Service personnel to determine a
parameters: dog’s demeanor, violent tendencies,
or any behavior problems. Once