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2022 Award Nominations
• Coaches, leads, and guides jail staff. • Constantly performs above the expectations of
• Inspires and promotes excellence in their the job.
staff. • Recognized by peers and supervisors as an
• Improves morale by always having a positive outstanding officer who is doing an excellent job.
attitude. • Eagerly learns new posts and takes on addi-
Candidates must be employees of a governmen- tional work and responsibility, and is highly
tal or tribal correctional facility and have the conscientious.
endorsement of their immediate supervisor. Candidates must be an employee of a govern-
mental or tribal correctional facility, supervise
CORRECTIONAL TRAINING OFFICER OF THE YEAR incarcerated or detained people, and have the
endorsement of their immediate supervisor.
• Continually strives to elevate the level of
professionalism in his or her facility through CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR
• Researches and applies new approaches and • Gives exceptional support to jail personnel.
methods of training to continually improve the • Considered the go-to person when anyone has
culture of the facility. a question.
• Uses new technology to improve training and • Indispensable to facility and staff.
employee performance. The candidate must be a nonsworn employee
Candidates must be an employee of a govern- working in a governmental or tribal correctional
mental or tribal jail and a certified trainer as facility.
defined by a State regulatory or individual agency
or tribal correctional facility. The nomination VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR
must carry the endorsement of the candidate’s
immediate supervisor. • Shows commitment to making positive contri-
butions to the local jail.
• Performs exemplary work in religious or other
programs, providing crisis counseling, assisting
in the commissary, or handling telephone calls.
TO GIVE A NOMINATION GREATER WEIGHT: • Consistently impresses others with work,
• Include ample justification to support your manners, attitude, and helpfulness.
nomination. The service provided by the individual must be
• Thoroughly discuss the nominee’s accomplish- to a governmental or tribal correctional facility
ments and mention any awards, commen- from which the volunteer is being nominated.
dations, etc. Provide newspaper articles or
commendation letters, if appropriate.
• Include endorsements from a variety of
sources—both inside and outside the facility. SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION ONLINE!
Please complete the nomination form found
at All nominations must be
postmarked or emailed by Friday,
December 17, 2021.