Page 75 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 75
he Marine Corps MCIPAC Brig is composed of
Installations Pacific pod-type berthing areas contain-
(MCIPAC) Brig is a Level ing 86 individual bed spaces for
TI Military Correctional general population prisoners and
Facility (MCF) located on the 18 Restrictive Housing Unit bed
small, southern tropical island of spaces. The facility also sports a
Okinawa, Japan. The mission of full-size indoor basketball court also provides prisoners with basic
MCIPAC Brig is to provide a safe that is used during Okinawa’s medical support with a continuous
and secure environment for the inclement weather: extreme tropical on-site Navy Corpsman coverage.
incarceration of military offenders, temperatures, typhoons, or rainy Due to the unique position of
preparing those without punitive season. MCIPAC Brig on Okinawa, located
discharges for reintegration into MCIPAC Brig is man- on the northern base of Camp
the military service and those with aged by Marines who hold the Hansen, it relies on operational
punitive discharges for becom- U.S. Marine Corps Military support from other local military
ing future productive citizens. The Occupational Specialty (MOS) commands on the island. The U.S.
MCIPAC Brig is a joint service facil- of 5804 Correctional Officer, Naval Hospital, located on Camp
ity and has the capability to house 5831 Correctional Specialist, and Foster, Okinawa provides the Navy
all military service offenders. 5832 Correctional Counselor. Corpsmen and the Mental Health
A Level I MCF is authorized to Additionally, through an Air Force Professionals from the Behavioral
house both pretrial confinement Support Agreement, MCIPAC Health Clinic, offering medical and
prisoners indefinitely and post- Brig has one Air Force Liaison mental care for prisoners. Since the
trial prisoners with an adjudged assigned to the brig. The Air Force MCIPAC Brig is not able to provide
sentence of up to one year. The Liaison is required to hold the self-sustaining food preparation,
MCIPAC Brig is unique from all Air Force Specialty Code 3POX1, the III Marine Expeditionary Force
other U.S. Marine Corps MCFs as Security Forces. The brig’s staff also Food Service dining facility sup-
it is the largest Marine Corps cor- includes a Correctional Treatment ports the confinement mission by
rectional facility overseas, support- Specialist (GS/Federal Government providing all meals to prisoners.
ing all services in the Indo-Pacific Employee) and four Master Labor The food is transported from the
region and the only Marine Corps Contractors (Japanese locals) who dining facility to the MCIPAC Brig
correctional facility able to confine support the brig’s overseas con- for every meal, but contains the
female prisoners overseas. The finement mission. MCIPAC Brig same quality and quantity of food