Page 78 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 78


                            Stefanie Bush, CJM, Assistant Jail Administrator,
                            Scott County Sheriff’s Office–Jail Division, Davenport, Iowa

                     Hello, my name is Stefanie Bush. In 1999, I started my career as a corrections officer at the Scott
                     County Sheriff’s Office. I worked my way up the ranks as corporal onto a sergeant then a lieutenant. In
                     2017, I was promoted to the rank of Captain/Assistant Jail Administrator. I reside in Davenport, Iowa
                     with my two sons John and Liam.

                     •  I decided to enter the field of   •  The hardest thing I’ve ever   who helped mold me into
                       corrections and make it my     done is… learn that you         who I am today.
                       career because… As I learned   have to work harder at times   •  My motto is… “Today,
                       quickly, corrections is a spe-  to get things done correctly.   choose to be the best version
                       cial field that not everyone   Other departments within        of me.”
                       can handle. I enjoy coming     the county organization do   •  If there is one piece of
                       to work every day because      not always find the jail to be   advice I’d like to give to
                       I have become more knowl-      an important place of pri-      anyone considering correc-
                       edgeable in inmate behavior,   ority. However, when you        tions as a career, it would
                       staff safety, staff morale, and   have major functions that    be… Do not go into this field
                       inmate programming.            are affecting the rights of an   thinking you are better than
                     •  The most unusual job I’ve     inmate, it is vitally important   the inmates, and when they
                       ever had was…I worked          that they correct the problems   try to have a power struggle
                       with juvenile sex offenders at   quickly.                      with you, do not engage
                       a Christian Children’s Home   •  My favorite way to relax      with them. The best thing
                       as an Adolescent Treatment     is… reading a good book or      I ever learned was to walk
                       Professional.                  watching a great series on TV.  away if necessary, but treat
                     •  I feel it was important to be   •  My favorite meal is… sushi.  them professionally at all
                       a member of AJA and serve    •  One item from my personal      times. Don’t lie to them and
                       on the board because… It is    “bucket list” is… to go to      be true to your word. The
                       important to be a person who   Iceland.                        comradery of this field is so
                       has a voice in such matters   •  The three people, living or   unique. You can share a story
                       as gender equity, diversity,   deceased, I’d invite to din-    of something people in the
                       and to be able to serve on a   ner are… my Dad (deceased)      “outside” world of this field
                       national level for an orga-    and my two sons.                may find appalling. But when
                       nization I have believed                                       you share with your peers,
                       in for many years. As a      •  You’d be surprised to learn    you’ll get a few chuckles and
                       Certified Jail Manager and a   that… I can sing and speak      some words of strength and
                       graduate of the National Jail   and write fluent pig Latin.    jokes to follow for a stress
                       Leadership Academy, I have   •  I am most proud of… my         relief only those in this field
                       learned many things from       two sons and growing up         understand.
                       AJA and have brought this      with three awesome brothers
                       information to my employer.

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