Page 82 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 82

ad index

                                                            Page                                           Page
                     Advertiser                          Number     Advertiser                          Number

                     Black Creek ............................... 29    Jail Association
                                                                    AJA’s 2022 Board Election .................... 17
                     Keefe Group ......................... Cover IV
                                            AJA’s 41st Conference & Jail Expo .............. 1

                     Key Trak .................................. 39   Certifications ............................... 6
                                                                    Corrections Staff Relief Fund .................. 14
                     Meridian  ............................. Cover II
                                                                    Membership  .............................. 55
                     Millennium Access Control ................... 41

                     SteraMist by TOMI  .................... Cover III

                     ATTENTION READERS!

                     Companies that want your business advertise in American Jails. It’s part of their commitment
                     to serving the needs of the members of the American Jail Association.
                     If you do business with a company that is not advertising in our magazine, please let us know
                     and we’ll give them a call.

                     The support of our advertisers is one reason we’re able to bring you the high level of editorial
                     content you’ve enjoyed in American Jails for more than 30 years.

                     Please thank these advertisers by telling them you saw their advertisement in YOUR
                     magazine—American Jails.

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   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84