Page 80 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 80
chaplain’s corner
Honoring Our Veterans
As each of us know, all support each other whether in Not much is known about
the wonderful and great the jail or in the community. the centurion. A military leader
freedoms we have as during the time of Jesus’s
Americans comes with a Faith of the Centurion ministry, this man was mostly
price. So many have sac- As we celebrate Veterans likely serving under King
rificed all so that we can Day, it is important to note that Herod, not someone of whom
enjoy the freedoms we Jesus did not differentiate the we would expect to be an
have in this great coun- soldier from the civilian. He earlier follower of Jesus. The
try. Therefore, this is showed love and respect to centurion understood the mag-
always a special time for all people in all walks of life, nitude of who Jesus was and he
me when we celebrate and He continues to support came with faith and love to ask
our veterans. And with those whom he has called to Jesus to heal his soldier.
Shane Dotson, MS, CCE so much conflict and lead during times of conflict. “Jesus said to him, ‘Shall I
dissension occurring within our Whether centurions under come and heal him?’
country, I feel it is imperative the local government, Jewish “The centurion replied,
to honor those who served and soldiers in the Old Testament, ‘Lord, I do not deserve to have
are continuing to serve. or officers in the Roman legion you come under my roof. But
Many of our jails are staffed arresting Paul, the bible tells just say the word, and my
and managed by veterans. stories of those who served in servant will be healed. For I
Bringing many great qualities the military and the importance myself am a man under author-
to our agencies, these former of their faith as they fulfilled ity, with soldiers under me. I
(and some are current) soldiers God’s purpose. One of the best tell this one, “Go,” and he goes;
are an invaluable asset to the illustrations of faith from a and that one, “Come,” and he
corrections field. For example, military leader can be found in comes. I say to my servant, “Do
many of our veteran officers are Matthew 8:7–13. this,” and he does it.’
involved with creating spe- “When Jesus had entered
cialty units, services, and other Capernaum, a centurion came “When Jesus heard this, he
programs for inmates who are to him, asking for help. ‘Lord,’ was amazed and said to those
veterans. And they continue to he said, ‘my servant lies at following him, ‘Truly I tell you,
I have not found anyone in
home paralyzed, suffering Israel with such great faith.’ ”
terribly.’ ”
The centurion was not only
a leader of men with great
authority but he was also a
humble man. He recognized
the authority Jesus had.
Bringing many great qualities to our Because of his strong faith and
trust, Jesus healed his servant.
“Then Jesus said to the cen-
agencies, these former soldiers are an turion, ‘Go! Let it be done just
as you believed it would.’ And
invaluable asset to the corrections field. his servant was healed at that
As a great leader, the centu-
rion respected his soldiers, and
he desired to take care of them.