Page 81 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 81

Jail Manager

                                                                Certification Commission

                                                                COMMISSION CHAIR
           This story exemplifies the leadership skills         Michael Harris, CJM
           developed within our military today just             Superintendent/Special Sheriff
           as it did during the time of Jesus—a lead-           Norfolk County Sheriff’s Department
           ership that supports those in the ranks.             Dedham, Massachusetts
           Brother in arms who continue to support    
           and uphold each other no matter what
           curve balls life throws at them.                     COMMISSION VICE-CHAIR
                                                                Jared Schechter, CJM
           Today’s “Centurions”                                 Colonel/Jail Administrator
             Our veterans bring the same conviction             Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office
           and passion into our facilities as the cen-          Wichita, Kansas
           turion from 2,000 years ago. If you need   
           examples, just look at the articles in this
           edition of American Jails.                           COMMISSIONERS
             Not only do today’s veteran officers               Amber Redmond, CJM
           show conviction and passion, they also               Deputy Director
           provide the loyalty, structure, organi-              Douglas County Department of Corrections
           zational skills, and dependability they              Omaha, Nebraska
           learned during their military service.     
           And they add many other qualities that
           improve our jails.                                   Henry Reyes, MAM, MPA, CJM, CCE
             On behalf the American Jail                        Chief Deputy Detention Bureau/Housing
           Association, I personally want to say                Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office
                                                                Fort Worth, Texas
           thank you to all those who have served     
           and currently serve and those who make
           all of our jails a better place to work and          John Johnson, PhD, CJM
           support our inmates as they work toward              Division Chief
           recovery.                                            Miami Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation Department
             May the God of transformation provide              Miami, Florida
           watch and care over you and those for      
           whom you care, and may He keep you
           safe and secure in the job you are called to

           American Jail Association

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