Page 76 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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tary transition services. Through   tion, Combat Fitness Tests, Physical
                                             this support staff, the MCIPAC Brig   Fitness Tests, Water Survival
                                             is able to meet or exceed all Level I   Training, and Professional Military
                                             MCF requirements outlined by the   Education. Second, Corrections
           as offered to all service members.   Naval Corrections Manual as noted   Marines must learn and profes-
           The Legal Support Services Section   in all previous Inspector General   sionalize their craft. This means
           located on Camp Foster provides   of the Marine Corps, Commanding    becoming a military correctional
           defense, appellate, and other     General Readiness Inspections, and   subject matter expert. Marines of
           legal support to prisoners. This is   American Corrections Association   the MCIPAC Brig often achieve
           accomplished either in person or,   (ACA) accreditations.            high marks while obtaining college
           more commonly, telephonically                                        degrees. The staff at the MCIPAC
           due to the distance between bases.   A highlight for prisoners and the   Brig have also received professional
           Additionally, the MCIPAC Brig has   MCIPAC Brig is the industries and   certifications through ACA funded
           a robust library provided by the   vocational programs. The workshop   by the Marine Corps Credentialing
           Marine Corps Community Service    provides prisoners with wood-      Opportunities On-Line (COOL)
           (MCCS) Base Library, granting     working skills while offering local   program. Almost all MCIPAC Brig
           similar access to books as other   military commands complete wood   personnel receive the Correctional
           service members through a book    products, thus saving the military   Officer certificate with the U.S.
           request program established by the   money. This is completed at no cost   Military Apprenticeship Program
           Base Librarian. The base library also   to MCIPAC Brig as local commands   (USMAP). Due to the average
           offers classes outside the traditional   provide the raw materials to the   prisoner population, MCIPAC Brig
           realm of a correctional facility such   workshop. Common requests are   offers a unique opportunity to its
           as a Japanese language class called   wooden command boards, photo   junior service members. Corrections
           Japanese on the Go, Calligraphy   framing, shelving, and area beauti-  Marines assigned to the MCIPAC
           writing, and origami through local   fication. The brig is in the process of   Brig are able to qualify and work in
           volunteers; offering prisoners the   revitalizing the prisoner workshop   billets that are traditionally filled by
           ability to continue to broaden their   with a laser engraver and replacing   senior-ranking Marines.
           understanding of the Japanese     legacy woodworking equipment
           culture.                          crucial in providing prisoners with   In summary, MCIPAC Brig and
             Moreover, the certified         a vocational skill that can be used   its staff are unique in many ways.
                                                                                Being stationed on a remote island
                                             upon release.
           Correctional Counselors, Treatment                                   in the Pacific has its challenges
           Specialist, and MCCS employees       The MCIPAC Brig leadership      and rewards. Operating a military
           offer a variety of programs for pris-  believes that success in the correc-  correctional facility on Okinawa,
           oners including religious services,   tions MOS depends on two facets.   challenges every brig staff mem-
           legal resources, recreational, indi-  Most importantly, Corrections   ber personally and professionally.
           vidual counseling, anger manage-  Marines must be Marines first.     However, with solid leadership
           ment classes, cognitive behavioral   Corrections Marines must hone   and training, the MCIPAC Brig has
           therapy, victim impact classes,   their warfighting capability through   always excelled at its mission.
           offense-related programs, and mili-  their annual Marine Corps training
                                             such as rifle and pistol qualifica-

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