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participation in meaningful pro-
gramming. We utilized technology
in ways we had never done before.
COVID-19 forced us out of our
routine methods of treatment by
opening opportunities to a different
level of care. Recovery is possible
even under the most challenging of
Upon release, ACTT graduates
are eligible to receive a cell phone to
aid in their transition. The phones
are pre-programmed with commu-
nity resources, community naviga-
tor’s numbers, and a recovery app
called Freedom 365. The phones
have been an asset for participants
when applying for jobs, attending
support meetings and faith-based
services, or just reaching out to a
familiar voice. The constraints of
the pandemic have helped us to
communicate more effectively and
provide advanced technology to
assist those in recovery.
The inmate population sees the
pandemic as an opportunity, not
a barrier. The pandemic created a
change in staff as well. When staff
saw how the inmates stayed posi-
tive and used this opportunity for
self-improvement, they too felt
encouraged and empowered by the
positivity. Staff began to understand
that this really was a team effort.
Self-led groups are about much
more than allowing inmates to take
on a leadership role; they are about
passing the baton to the inmates so
they can control their own destiny. Solutions, a community partner
So next time a challenge arises: ( Laura E. Bedard, CJM, PhD, is the
“Don’t Panic, Pivot.” Chief of Corrections at the John E. Polk
4. John E. Polk Correctional Facility
operates its own medical depart- Correctional Facility. She can be con-
End Notes ment and has obtained an X waiver tacted at
1. Narcan is a nasal spray that coun- to be able to prescribe these medica- Stacy Heath, MS, is the Captain of
teracts the life-threatening effects of tions. We are one of a few correc- Support Operations & Reentry at the
an opioid overdose. All deputies at tional facilities that does not use an John E. Polk Correctional Facility. She
the Seminole County Sheriff’s office outside provider. can be contacted at sheath@
carry Narcan. 5. 2020 Seminole County saw an
2. The Seminole Collaborative Opioid increase of Narcan deployments to Amy Ridgely, MS, is the Program
Response Efforts was implemented 748 and deaths to 109. Coordinator for the Programs Division
consisting of teams of deputies 6. Freedom 365 has partnered with the at the John E. Polk Correctional Facility.
attending to all overdoses and over- Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. She can be contacted at ARidgely@
dose deaths. Their app is downloadable to any
3. ReNew for women is contracted phone (
to Dr. Gretchen Kerr at Kerragous