Page 12 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 12
The Programs & Re-entry
Department has reallocated
Blessing in Disguise resources, staff, and funding to
The inmates called the pandemic a blessing in disguise. According adapt the method in which services
to Jonathan Mangum, an ACTT graduate: are provided to the inmate popula-
“Having the opportunity to facilitate self-led groups has been an tion in the midst of a pandemic.
amazing benefit and addition to my recovery. It’s gotten me more The safety and security of all staff,
comfortable speaking openly about addiction and my personal volunteers, contractors, and inmates
struggles. Finding courage in hearing other people share their continues to be the number one pri-
similarities has allowed me to deal, talk, and address things that I ority at the facility. All CDC guide-
used to be ashamed about. There is a true proven path that success lines and regulations have been
lies on the other side of helping others. Being able to partake in adhered to throughout, and they
facilitating these groups definitely has provided a chance for me to will remain in place for the duration
experience a new and engaging side of recovery that I have never of the pandemic.
experienced before. I, for sure, believe I can better sustain my own As we move toward the new nor-
recovery by helping others in theirs.” mal, the programs division is slowly
The inmate participants felt empowered when they were reopening. However, the lessons we
“allowed” to take control of their treatment plan and facilitate learned during the past year will
groups. They said they learned more from teaching and, although not be lost. Inmates need to be more
they speak very favorably about our fabulous staff, they were responsible for their own recovery
thankful that they too had a chance to “pivot.” This is one pivot and must play an active role in their
from the pandemic that we will continue when life in the jail future. For years, addiction has
returns to normal. caused them to have little control
of their actions; poor decisions and
addiction go hand in hand. The
pandemic gave the inmate popula-
Sheriff’s department staff were operate throughout the shut- tion an opportunity to make better
permitted to work remotely, mak- down. The sewing class continued decisions with a clear, sober mind—
ing facilitator-led groups nearly throughout the pandemic and a first time for many of them.
impossible. Volunteers were asked switched to creating masks for the The path to recovery is different
not to come into the facility in order entire inmate population. Indigent for each person. The wisdom, expe-
for us to maintain the guidelines inmates continued to be provided rience, and tools that participants
set forth by the Centers for Disease with bus passes and homeless back- obtain while attending the ACTT
Control (CDC). We were left with packs upon release. They were also programs help them to become suc-
the inmates and our security staff to given masks and hand sanitizer to cessful on their journey. Through
manage the programs. take with them. role-playing and scenario-based
Various instructors adapted training, the inmates can address
their programs to provide class- Lessons Learned any potential challenges.
room materials for the inmates Surprisingly, the attitudes of the
to continue in a self-led environ- inmates were amazing. With home- Outside the Box
ment. These programs included work and a little guidance, they The pandemic forced us to think
Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics continued their rigorous routine outside of the box. We pivoted,
Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, of groups, educational classes, and adapted, and overcame by utilizing
and parenting classes. In addition, pro-social recreational activities. creative ways to provide a high level
the faith-based community pro- Security staff stepped in to answer of programing under unique cir-
vided religious services through questions or settle disputes (yes, cumstances. In a way, the pandemic
pre-recorded sermons or live- there were some) as they arose. helped us to advance our methods
streamed services. Some volunteers met through of communication and increased our
We continued to operate reentry Zoom meetings with the inmates methods of providing resources to
services, housing, and treatment and helped to facilitate electroni- participants after release.
placement for the inmate popula- cally. None of the programs missed Most of us have become
tion as best we could. The ACTT a step. We are so thankful we were accustomed to using Zoom,
programs for the males and females able to keep it going in spite of GoToMeeting, and text messag-
assigned to the substance- COVID-19. ing—and this same technology has
recovery dorms continued to
allowed inmates to continue their