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COVID-19 has affected the world in unimaginable
ways, touching every aspect of our lives. For the
brave men and women who work in our nation’s
jails, the impact is even more pronounced.
They are first responders.
Many corrections officers and support staff
are—or will be affected—by this disease
either directly or indirectly. The American
Jail Association, in conjunction with
our generous business partners, has
established a fund to help them through
this difficult time.
If you were sick with the coronavirus,
or have a family member who was ill
with the disease or died as a result
of contracting it, we would like
to offer some financial help.
To be considered for assistance,
CORRECTIONS with a letter from your jail
please complete the application
form at Submit it
STAFF confirming your eligibility. All
administrator or sheriff
applications are evaluated
Relief Fund Relief Fund Committee to
by the AJA Corrections Staff
determine eligibility
and award amount.
Thank you, correctional staff, for
your unwavering dedication to your
agencies and communities in this
particularly difficult time.