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Another First for the Record Books
Mandy Lambert, CJM As we move beyond our Attendees had the benefit You Were Chosen
first virtual conference in of viewing some of the finest You see, human beings are a
the 40-year history of the training ever delivered at an societal people; we need com-
American Jail Association, the AJA conference. And, in our munity. And we are ready to
first word that comes to mind virtual jail expo, the exhibitors get back to business as usual.
is pride. The perseverance, showcased their new technol- We want to connect with
strength, and adaptability that ogy. They introduced a few others beyond our own four
this profession embodies never exciting ideas and some great walls. This networking is what
ceases to amaze me. I am so solutions to operational issues makes our career unique. We
proud to be a corrections pro- that we did not even know are hungry to learn from one
fessional due in part to how existed. another, to discover innova-
we unite during challenging The work that went into tive technology, and just to be
and critical events. creating this virtual conference able to relate—to share stories,
is one for the record books. successes, and, unfortunately,
AJA Goes Virtual The AJA staff are to be com- tragic incidents. All this gives
AJA’s 2021 virtual confer- mended for their innate desire credibility to the career that
ence was an amazing platform in providing the best virtual chose us.
with awesome training, conference for our attendees. We wear so many hats! We
exhibitors, and attendees. I would concede that they are emergency responders,
We had several opportunities were beyond successful! (If counselors, mentors, educa-
to see and talk to each other you missed registering for our tors, leaders, advisers, investi-
via technology. We met in conference in April, see page 14 gators, firefighters, community
chatrooms and visited with for an opportunity to access the police officers, social workers,
our vendors. And we listened conference sessions.) and so much more. Yet the
to inspiring speeches delivered When the in-person con- responsibility of supervis-
by Rob Weinhold and ference was canceled, the ing, meeting basic needs,
Dr. Randy Garner. Planning Committee quickly observing, enforcing rules,
reorganized its plan with the conveying expectations, and
presenters, AJA staff, and sometimes just listening is our
exhibitors. This was such a daily ritual. We contend with
trauma, addiction, manipula-
So why did we unique endeavor. Sessions tion, anger, deceit, violence,
were pre-recorded, and the
presenters were asked to avail and mental health.
choose this career? themselves for questions and So why did we choose this
answers from the attendees. career? The truth is that we
The truth is that we Yet despite the sudden do not choose it; it chooses us.
change of plans, the attendees The traits necessary to contend
with the demands are bal-
do not choose it; came. They engaged online, anced with the desire to serve.
catching up with old friends
in a chat box or meeting them
it chooses us. on Zoom during Bob Barker’s Continued on page 70
scavenger hunt. It was fun!
However, a virtual conference
can never replace the spark of
meeting in person.