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           Looking Good in the Rearview Mirror

           The 40th anniversary AJA        Although that created sig-    Looking ahead, the 2022        Chris D. Daniels
           Conference & Jail Expo is    nificant challenges, it also cre-  AJA Conference & Jail Expo
           certain to be memorable, but   ated significant opportunities.   is to be held in Long Beach,
           not for reasons that anyone   With factoring in the learning   California on May 21–25. By
           would have anticipated. Due   curve, identifying and devel-  then, I feel certain that I will
           to the pandemic, we were     oping a virtual platform, and   have the opportunity— to
           shoved into a virtual meeting.   re-evaluating and develop-  which I am looking forward—
           Although we were not happy   ing a new approach for every   to meet many of you in person
           about it, we stepped up and   aspect of the meeting, we    for the first time. However,
           made the best of the situation   discovered that providing a   I am “virtually” certain that
           given the circumstances—     successful virtual conference   there will be an online compo-
           which is what jail profession-  required a lot more time than   nent to that meeting as well,
           als are accustomed to doing.   an in-person conference. This   especially after everything
           The meeting was a resounding   is exactly the opposite of what   we’ve learned and experi-
           success, due to the expertise,   I would have predicted.   enced in 2021. 
           hard work, and dedication of
           the AJA Conference Planning   Out of Our Comfort Zone
           Committee, the presenters,      Reflecting on the experi-  CHRIS D. DANIELS, MPA, CAE
           our Board of Directors, and   ence, I came to the realization   Executive Director
           the AJA staff. As the new    that despite everything I wish   American Jail Association
           guy on the team, I was duly   I had anticipated or done dif-
           impressed.                   ferently, what really mattered
                                        was the end result—which
           New Experience               was exceptional. AJA served
             Although I have more than   the great content for which
           two decades of experience as   we are known and to a larger-         Chalk it up as
           an association executive, the   than-anticipated audience.
           mechanics of organizing an   We are still reviewing the
           all-virtual meeting were new.   analytics for the conference      another learning
           Chalk it up as another learn-  and comparing it to others,
           ing experience compliments   but we were pleased with the               experience
           of the pandemic. Every aspect   number of attendees despite
           of creating this conference   the change of format.
           was different. We had to keep   Because we were pushed             compliments of
           reminding ourselves that the   out of our comfort zone and
           physical constructs we were   had to overcome new chal-             the pandemic.
           accustomed to working within   lenges, we were able to reach
           simply didn’t exist.         those jail professionals who
                                        usually don’t attend a live con-
                                        ference. That means we were
                                        able to broaden the impact of
                                        our efforts that supported our
                                        mission—to lead, educate, and
                                        support jail professionals to
                                        enhance public safety.

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